View Full Version : Please tell me it gets easier

22-04-13, 21:48
I am just starting week 6 of 5mg Lexapro.
I'm having a really bad day.. I have little or no anxiety but I'm still having lightheadness, back and chest pain, weak arms and legs, blurred vision. When does it get easier? I'm so sick of feeling like this :( I'm also breaking out in hives.
I have convinced myself now that I'm sick and going to die. Please help

25-04-13, 19:36
I broke out in spots too round my chin and never have had them in my life before...finally they are starting not to be a prob anymore though but it's take 4 months.
I disn't get many of the side effects you have but defo bad heads for a long while and I still sometimes get those now. But I have just had a really good week (:
6 weeks is still early days and 5mg's is a low dose (: Hope things improve for you soon (: