View Full Version : Some support needed xx

22-04-13, 22:37
Hey, I've been suffering with anxiety for the past 8 years on and off and this is my fourth bout of bad anxiety. It started with changing to a new job which effected my confidence and then being with a guy I wasn't sure I wanted to be with. Now he makes me anxious and he was a good friend for 8 years so I've had to discontinue contact for now. I had anxiety about guys anyway from having past anxious experiences like having a panic attack around an ex bf then couldn't be around him anymore and got obsessional thoughts about him which I tend to get with any man I get involved with and the anxiety starts with all the what ifs. My anxiety has gotten so bad the last 6 weeks.im off work,can't hold good down and can't eat. I've lost quite a bit of weight already. I get panicky all the time. The mornings are horrible I always wake up panicky. I'm on trazapam for helping me get to sleep otherwise I would be pacing the house all night. I went out today with my mum to go to the shops and I had to come out the shop cuz started feeling really panicky. I can't be in shops atm.ive now given myself a food phobia as everytime I eat I throw it back up so now I'm scared of eating.i can't even look at food without wanting to be sick. I took and overdose on thurs as its all just getting too much.i feel like I'm going mad. I was on cymbalta for a month but have been cold turkey for 4 days cuz when I took my overdose the paramedics took my meds away.i have the docs Tomoz to go back on them. I'm so scared I'm not going to get better :( I'm seeing a cbt counceller but only seen her twice so far. I don't no how I'm going to get through this.i really could do with some advice and kind words of support.xxx

24-04-13, 02:22
Sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time right now. I'm 33 this year and i've been anxious most of my life. Usually I can contain it but sometimes it get's the best of me and I have a panic attack. I had a really bad one when I was around 20 and I had another bad one a few weeks ago which is how I came across this site as I was desperate and looking for help. I'm happy to say i'm on the road to recovery from my most recent attack. I'm still not 100% but i'm getting close.

I just finished replying to your other post and now that i've read this one and know your story a little more I'll reply to this one too :)

It's perfectly normal to be anxious about starting a new job. Even those lucky people who don't suffer from panic attacks like you and I get anxious, scared and worried.

During that time you also had worries about your relationship. I'm guessing at some point whilst thinking/worrying about your relationship your mind wandered to thoughts about the new job and which made you feel overwhelmed, resulting in having a panic attack. And then you started having panic attacks about panic attacks.

Regaining your confidence is something you can do by taking little steps. Work on the anxiety you have surrounding food by trying the tips I gave in your other post.

You WILL get better. I'm proof that it can be overcome. When I had that major attack when I was 20, I thought I was a lost cause and couldn't be around anyone. I honestly thought I needed to be locked up. It didn't happen overnight but I got past it and since then i've lead a fairly successful life. All these things I thought I could never do, i've proved my demons wrong and i've done them. Right up until my recent hiccup but I will get past that too and you will recover from yours. You will be happy again. :)