View Full Version : I think I'm out of my rough patch :)

22-04-13, 22:53
ok so i finally feel like I'm not plagued by my anxiety and depression (most of the time), I'm confident enough now to stay in uni and paint! only a few weeks ago i felt like i couldn't leave my room i felt like i couldn't face anyone i wasn't looking after myself properly and ended up feeling worse for it, id been a state of sleeping all day and fending off panic attacks...worrying about worrying and panicking if i wasn't. this happened before christmas and I'm sure you all know how it feels being really low and having anxiety, some of you might have GAD like me!

anyway.. on to the good bit, i went away for easter and i had time to look after myself again, i had my own space away from uni and i did'nt have to avoid certain situations to avoid people and i had some time to really plan out what i needed to do, i relaxed! because i took myself away from the situation that made me anxious every single day. I also talked to friends about how i was feeling and had some really helpful advice and even a few people that had been through similar situations, i did'nt hide away from my problems anymore.

of course i still have some social anxieties and i panic about my health a lot, but not to the point where I'm not doing anything for a whole week like before, i do think some of this is out of necessity to get better as i have a lot of deadlines for uni i forced myself to go in and face everyone, and after a whole days work i felt much better! I knew i had work to do because i did dent want to let myself down and it really cheered me up getting it done and having new paintings to do!

i found really little things helped me like the glade reed diffusers (the air freshener things)... it was lovely going back to my room and it having a nice smell to it that was familiar and flowery an lovely! i also think having some time for yourself a day helps, i went for walks and started getting up early! (shocking for me) i made myself go out and talk to people and i have a few friends that know my situation now and offer some support because i managed to open up about it, i also started on the CBT for dummies workbook you can get (theres a lot of worksheets to do!) i tried out some things like an aromatherapy roll on that i could rub on my forehead and trick myself into believing in its healing powers. (i tried the rescue chews too but i did dent find these helpful) i found a short break to look at my problems from a distance really really helped, and i went back to uni with a little spring in my step, because i was feeling better about myself, not so much everyone else, my paranoia leads me to believe thay hate me....i even dyed my hair so i felt id made a change to me! anyway sorry for the long post i thought it would be nice to share something positive..because the last few months have been anything but! :yahoo:

23-04-13, 01:13
Hi it really good to here that u have got there in the end,i wish u well n look forward to the future x

23-04-13, 12:48
Hi Grace,

Well done on making positive changes to your routine. I keep wanting to do the same myself as I feel it would benefit be like it has you, but at the moment I feel stuck and I'm scared to go out or even do much at home. You are very strong and I have taken alot of inspiration from what you have written so thank you very much!

Wishing you continued success and happiness
Hannah :hugs: