View Full Version : Severe eye twitching: normal? Should an eye twitch be noticeable?

23-04-13, 01:53
Hey guys. Soo I know that an eye twitch is usually completely normal, but today I got a really weird one. It was like my right eye wanted to close, almost like I was winking against my will. I took a video to show my mom, and ive now watched it lots of times... you can clearly see that my eye almost completely closes all on its own. This went on about every 2 minutes for around an hour, then it stopped. They weren't just quick twitches either, they lasted 2-3 seconds each.

I wasn't anxious at all when they started, but I did notice that they stopped after I relaxed. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not!

As you can probably guess, I'm now totally terrified that I have a neurological condition or something. Is this normal?? :winks: :wacko:

23-04-13, 14:45
This type of twitching is something I get a lot and have gotten it for years. Try to relax and you will be fine. Good luck.

23-04-13, 22:22
I had a similar twitch that lasted for about 6 weeks! You could clearly see it twitching. It went away as quick as it started...all down to stress / anxiety.

24-04-13, 21:56
My husband gets this all the time and has done for 8 years now.

Sometimes it lasts all day long.