View Full Version : acupuncture

23-04-13, 08:53
So on a whim today I tried acupuncture today, though the practitioner said it would take three or four sessions so not to expect anything much after the first one but he said some people were more sensitive so we'd see how it went. Well while the needles were in it was like I'd taken a valium, so relaxing I was really surprised. I don't know if there will be any lasting effect from it, but I'm going for a second session if only to get a few drug free hours of relaxation lol.

Anyone else tried acupuncture for anxiety or insomnia and did it work?

23-04-13, 09:02
I've been having acupuncture for years and I honestly find it amazing. When I am in acute anxietyit massively relieves my symptoms and if I am getting anxious but not gone into full blown overdrive anxiety I find it can really ward it off and keep me stable. It's also amazing for hormonal stuff, hayfever, viruses and it improves my overall energy levels. I'm a big fan.

23-04-13, 09:45

I started acupuncture last Wednesday. I was walking through town, which I do every day as a way to relieve my armpit discomfort, neck ache and chest pain. I saw a little Chinese shop advertising relief from stress and anxiety. As I refuse to take SSRI'S for fear of side effects, I thought 'what the hell, may as well have a look!!'

I went in and was greeted by a Chinese doctor and his assistant. He measure my pulse at various points on my wrists and looked at my tongue. What he then told me was amazing. Just from doing this, he described my symptoms perfectly and even told me stuff about my past.

I had a 35 minute acupuncture session and then he examined me again. He diagnosed me with a number of things and said I needed 5 more sessions. He gave me some herbal pills which I have been taking every day. During the acupuncture, I almost fell asleep, it was so relaxing. For the rest of the day, I felt like I was walking on air.

Thursday was a pretty good day too. Friday was not so good. Saturday was good. Sunday was terrible. Monday was my best day and so far today, I feel fine. I have my second session tomorrow, followed by 4 more.

So, to summarise, I am thinking this may work. It has cost me £168, but if it works, it will be the best money I have ever spent.

I'll keep you updated.


24-04-13, 15:55
Just got back from my second session. I had more pins put in today. The doctor measured my pulse and said there was a small improvement.

During the session, I was very relaxed, but right near the end, I had a panic attack. My head hurt, felt dizzy, nauseous and my heart pounded. I was just lying there unable to move because of all the pins. I just continued to lie there and concentrated on the feeling. I didn't fight it at all and it just washed over me. Within a minute, I felt relaxed again. I told the doctor and he said it was my body reconnecting a particular meridian and it was a good thing to happen.

Wow - I feel good now.


27-04-13, 19:52
Went for third session today. No issues during acupuncture despite feeling a bit nervous after my panic attack on Wednesday.

Feel amazing tonight. I cannot promote this therapy more. I rarely get anxious and am feeling so much better.

I am even driving which is massively significant for me after 12 weeks of not being able to get behind the wheel.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


05-05-13, 23:07
Hi Charlie, just wondered if it was the Ease Tonic tablets you've been taking from your acupuncturist and how these are working out for you? I have had 3 acupuncture sessions now and, while all my anxiety symptoms haven't gone yet, I always feel better after my treatment!
I've not taken the tablets yet as I'm just tapering off my "Western medicine" meds but don't know anything about Chinese medicine really. Just wondered if you felt they were worth giving a go?

05-05-13, 23:53
Hi Takeiteasy,

I am taking Liuwei Dihuang (LWDH). There are no known side effects so I thought I'd take them. I def feel less anxious than before I started, but still get the odd bad episode.

Had my 4th and 5th sessions now. Just one more to go on Wednesday.

Still have discomfort in my back and armpit, but may see a chiropractor about that. The acupuncture has definitely lessened my anxiety though.


06-05-13, 19:09
Thanks Charlie, I've not heard of that one. I was given Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (known as Ease Tonic Plus). My acupuncturist also said no side effects from these. As I said, don't know much about Chinese medicine so been a little reticent, tho as acupuncturist said, I'm happy to "throw this Western medicine down my throat". Touché I suppose! :winks:
Glad to hear it's helping anyway, hope mine continues to as well :)