View Full Version : Dont feel me today worried :'(

23-04-13, 10:36
Hi Everyone,
Had a bit of a bad day yesterday. I was at work and was feeling really weird. My eyes were funny i was light headed and my anxiety was unbareable. I been having this weird floppy like feeling in my arm to its like theres no feeling in it and that worries me. But yesterday i really thought i was gonna faint so i left work early cus i couldnt manage hours just sitting there feeling like that. I met my boyfriend and had a drink and felt slightly better but still rough. Then early hours of this morning. I woke up on edge again which then turned into a panic attack. Ive not gone into work today as im still feeling quite rough and feel like i could have another one. Im still on edge and ive booked to see the doctor later. I took a propanolol last night and went to sleep but today i just cant be bothered to get out of bed cus of how im feeling. I dont feel ill just rough and ny nerves are off and i keep having this feeling of doom and that something bads gonna happen to me. I hope this isnt going to start happening to me everyday and i gotta be off work ive been doing so well. Im eally worried :'(

23-04-13, 11:34
Hi Kelly

Hang on in there. At the moment my attacks only happen at home and usually when I am in bed. I get plenty of the light headed feelings through the day and a sense that I am dreaming this. At the back of my mind I fear it will happen at work, but I am fighting that one.

Good luck at the Doctors. Have you tried Congnitive Therapy I heard it could be good. Its an alternative to drugs, It tries to re-educate your thoughts into more positive ones. At the moment your brain is converting all your thoughts into negative ones. Check it out with your doctor.

Best wishes


23-04-13, 11:34
Have a sugary drink then tell me how you feel. Please do it. Must be a sugary drink not a diet type drink. Have a coffee with 2 spoons of sugar in, just get something down you.

23-04-13, 11:35
what you have described is very common and your anxiety levels have temporarily been raised. Maybe through stress or exertion. Rest up and it will pass.

23-04-13, 18:08
Hi guys well i went to the doctor and to be honest he didnt really make me feel that much better. He asked me what i wanted him to do!....I told him about the feeling i get with my arm and he said its all the anxiety and its normal and took my blood pressure which was fine and i was on my way. Im going back to work tomoz and for the next few days ill take 2 propanolols insted of one and see how i go on......I hate these things really!...Im never gonna get rid of them nor have i eperienced life without them they just seem to get worse as i get older.

23-04-13, 19:17
Hi, I really know how you feel - I started to have a panic attack yesterday but managed it but felt really rough and had burning sensations all across my shoulders and down my arms. My GP has increased my dose of Citalopram to 20mg and I dont know if thats what has made me go again, but I tried to go to work this morning and had to come home. I keep getting the sensations that I am going to have another attack, but find if I try doing something like a load of washing, or cleaning the bathroom (sad I know) but it distracts me, even for a little while. I really hope you feel better and can go to work tomorrow, cause that is what I am going to have to do - I know we cant let this rule our lives but people who dont have anxiety dont understand x

24-04-13, 08:47
Hi, well i have made it into work and im feeling a little better today. Im still having that weird sensation in my arm but im trying to distract myself from it. I have always fort an attack before and never let it stop me from what im doing. I would have never left work b4 but the other day i just had too. I always think that if i give way into it then it has beat me and i dont want to do that. Doing little things round the house to distract u does sometimes help you through it. I talk or count to myself as i been told that helps with your breathing too!....Its crazy..... I hope you made it into work today and are feeling better....I keep my tablets and a paper bag in my pocket to reassure me and that sometimes keeps me calm. x

24-04-13, 12:09
I haven't made it into work and feel worse than yesterday.... I just can't sleep and was up at 3 this morning. Tomorrows a new day x

24-04-13, 12:52
I hope you are feeling better today, I had been having a good few days but yesterday was awful, today is mildly better. As anxiety sufferers we have ups and downs, try not to focus to much on the down days :hugs:

24-04-13, 14:34
Thanks. I just wish it was more up than down.... Its so debilitating x