View Full Version : Cognitive Therapy

23-04-13, 12:02
Hi every one

Has any one started or completed CBT and if so how have you found it.



23-04-13, 12:08
I'm waiting for CBT at the moment :) I hear its brilliant!!

23-04-13, 12:17

CBT did nothing for me, its all about here and now, so if you have anythings that have happened in the past its best to address them first. I suppose its also how committed you are as well.

Dont let my experience put you off, Im sure most people have benefited from it.


23-04-13, 12:27
Hi every one

Has any one started or completed CBT and if so how have you found it.



I found it helped to an extent with understanding etc but didn't do a great deal for me.

Panic induction which I did was good but still doesn't really re-create the 'moment'

It's a bit like a school course tbh, lots of talking things through, homework, challenging your thoughts but I found a lot of it was simply theory that once you get out of the place is hard to put into practice

23-04-13, 18:18
I have been in this therapy 1 ½ years, still need half years - says the psychologist.

It has not worked much for me since my anxiety is about the fear of sudden death, and I can not be exposed to (thankfully) .. so I do not know what else I should do, I have anxiety in the body every day and can not go out of my home because I am afraid of sudden was going to die-among strangers. :-/

23-04-13, 19:09
I completed 7 months of CBT last November and found it really helpful. You have to be prepared to put in the time and effort yourself too, but in my opinion well worth it.

I wish you the best of luck.

Kitti :)

23-04-13, 20:02
For me, CBT worked really well.
It took alot of work but it has really paid off. I started it 10yrs ago and it went on quite a while but as I say it really made a difference to me. I would recommend it to anyone. There are things I did (& still do) in life that I can be certain I would not have done without CBT.
Things such as getting on planes, giving blood, travelling on the tube.
I still use the skills every day. and without cbt i actually don't know where I would have ended up in life certainly not where I am today.
The skills you learn can be applied in many different areas of life as well.

23-04-13, 20:33
I am on the waiting list for CBT - I will try anything to get over this! I think you just need to have an open mind and commit yourself to whatever they ask of you. Good luck

23-04-13, 20:48
I really believe it depends on what kind of anxiety you have.
I truly fear heart disease and death, and you can't train that :D

23-04-13, 22:09
Robin Hall offers a free CBT on line course for members of the forum. Have a look here to find out what is involved http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696

24-04-13, 14:22
Thanks for your honest responses. And thanks flossie for link.


27-04-13, 16:07
I do think it depends on the severity & type of your anxiety and obviously everyone is different, but for me it did work really well on my health anxiety. After about a years worth of therapy back in 2009/10 I'm now able to deal with my health worries and not let them consume me anymore, I do still have them but 99% or so of the time I'm usually able to control them and I don't have them constantly like I used to. That being said, I've also had a bit of CBT for social anxiety and I'm now into my 3rd week of trying the therapy for the second time round. Everytime I've tried any therapy for my general/social anxieties any recovery I've made has been short lived and I've gone back to old ways after a few weeks. I think that's probably a perfect example of how it can work with different anxieties. I'm sticking with the CBT now but I don't know how much it can help me for the things I'm dealing with now, the therapists can sometimes treat you as cases and say 'I can fix you within x amount of time' but I don't believe it can work this way. I think sometimes if it doesn't work we might need a little balance that medication can provide before therapy can really work, that's what I know I need but just very scared about it!

27-04-13, 19:44
I agree with you jayjoe. It is an ongoing process. the skills from CBT enable you to deal with what life throws at you much better. But you need Tom stick to what you have learned. Things do get easier as you train yourself to recognise the issues earlier but you have to use self-discipline at the same time.
Sometimes a big event or something bad happening to you in life can knock you back. But I have had that happen to me and at that point I rely heavily on what I learned in therapy. That is what sees me through.
I found over the last year that with the help of my counsellor I have repaired alot of the damage done To me in childhood. I did most of the work myself. I have guided where we went with it & what we have discussed but she has been there to support me and help me deal with the emotions. CBT is primarily what has helped me do this, I wouldn't have known where to start otherwise.

29-04-13, 22:37
I am on CBT at the moment. Have been on it since February. It's going well but I still need help as my anxiety is not getting any better. I have learnt alot from the sessions and the techniques help you manage the symptoms.

06-05-13, 21:35
kawaiiprincess; you,keep at it. It'll be early days in terms of your anxiety improving but as it's going well for you, the signs are good.
There really is alot to learn from the sessions and the techniques as you say will help you manage the symptoms. There is every sign this is going to work for you.

06-05-13, 21:42
I got it years ago and it helped me cope a bit better although I never managed to conquer the fear of driving- that was when my first big PA happened.
I have been referred back again as anxiety has worsened.

06-05-13, 22:19
Never any harm in going back for too ups. Actually, I was struggling this last year because of stuff that happened. Although I knew the theory of CBT and what I needed to do to help myself, I decided to see a counsellor to help me through. It's worked really well since I know what it is I need to be doing but being able to talk to her makes the world of difference, and also her inout and reflection on it has been invaluable too.

06-05-13, 22:27
Robins CBT on here put me on the road to recovery from agoraphobia and i honestly thought after 5 years of being in that horrible world that i would never get out of, what he gave me was the tools as i call them.

Worked for me, the key is to believe in what is being said.

I do things now that i never believed i would do again, all i asked him was to get me to be able to take my little girl to school and i went and have gone beyond that.

Di x