View Full Version : Plz talk to me

23-04-13, 15:00
Plz will someone reply I'm having a horrible anxiety day today.i can't deal with the thoughts anymore I'm exhausted. I posted my story on here but no one has replied :,( I can't deal with the anxiety anymore. Can't stop crying. I have doctors and cbt later. Xxx

23-04-13, 15:07
Hello pinkfairy.

What's up. What's making you anxious? I suffer from GAD, so let me know if you want to chat to me.

23-04-13, 15:08
I don't no I just keep getting panicky about being panicky and panicky about being sick when I eat cuz I am after I eat. I haven't eaten a proper meal in 4 days I managed a sausage roll today though and didn't throw it back up go me! Just want to feel normal again can't deal with it all. Sorry to hear u suffer too its horrible isn't it.

23-04-13, 15:13
How do you feel when you are having CBT and have you got someone to contact, away from pre arranged support meetings/CBT?

I am pleased you ate a sausage roll and it worked out ok for you!

23-04-13, 15:15
Hi pinkfairy
sorry to hear your having a rough time, I know the panicking about panicking feeling. Try and keep your mind occupied. Tell your doctor when you see them and your CBT will help you too.
You will get through this :hugs:

23-04-13, 15:21
I've only has two cbt sessions so far my third tonite. I've got to see the doc tonite about my meds but waiting around is killing me. It's not till 5 I'm on hear to keep busy. I've been for a two hour walk today already I'm so tired of trying too keep busy :( it's so knackering. The food thing is really getting me down cuz now I've given myself a food phobia.

23-04-13, 16:42
Pink have you thought about giving the Samaritans a call or a local mental health line?

They'll be happy to talk to you if you want to speak to someone

24-04-13, 01:50
I don't no I just keep getting panicky about being panicky and panicky about being sick when I eat cuz I am after I eat. I haven't eaten a proper meal in 4 days I managed a sausage roll today though and didn't throw it back up go me! Just want to feel normal again can't deal with it all. Sorry to hear u suffer too its horrible isn't it.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Seriously, you couldn't have described my situation in the past few weeks any more accurately.

3 or 4 weeks ago I had a bad panic attack. Worst I have had in 10+ years and it put me in a real nasty cycle.

I started having panic attacks about having panic attacks. I was anxious most of the time and this stopped me from being able to eat. I would put something in my mouth and panic and throw up. After that just the thought of trying to eat made me anxious.

Then I started to panic about not eating. I would start thinking about how I have to eat otherwise i'll get really sick and lose weight.. panic panic panic.

If you stay positive and take little steps you'll start to feel better. It might take a week or two but you will see improvements.

You managed to eat a sausage roll, that is positive and that's exactly how I started my road to recovery. I would eat small things such as chips/french fries and afterwards I would feel proud that I was able to eat something. Select things that are easy to eat. The more small things you eat the more confidence you will regain and the less anxious you will be about not eating.

Check if your supermarket sells liquid meals. Here they are called "Up and Go" and they're meant to be something you can have if you don't have time for a solid breakfast. When you are anxious and unable to eat, these might be helpful. I can drink these before my mind even has a chance to react and panic!

When you have a panic attack, remember it's only a temp feeling. It will pass. I know it's easier said than done but when you have a panic attack or are sick, try not to dwell on it. Instead pick yourself up straight away, forget about it and get on with what it was you were doing.

When you throw up, try not to dwell on it or let it get you down. I know it probably sounds stupid but try to change the way you think about throwing up. For a while there I was throwing up every morning before work. To begin with I would get really upset and depressed about it and it would be a struggle to get on with the day. Then I changed the way I thought about throwing up. I started to view it as just something I had to do, just like brushing teeth. I get up, I throw up, I get changed, I brush teeth and I go to work. I made it part of my morning procedure. With my thought pattern changed, I stopped being so anxious about getting up in the morning and eventually I stopped throwing up.

I know things are really hard right now but be strong and hang in there. You will feel better.

24-04-13, 01:59
Really fantastic advice above from Owen.

Hope you are feeling better xx