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View Full Version : breathing props

23-04-13, 18:32
hi guys
iv been getting this feeling of like i cant get enough breath in my chest caverty no chest pain though just a feeling of like holding my breath and you get the pain thats the only way i can describe it
my docs allways pu it down to anxiety but i dont feel stressed so how do i know if its anxiety to put my mind at rest i did have a ecg at the docs on monday but the pain had gone about 10 mins before i had it they said my ecg was normal but it does not put my mind at rest when i get it i just want to come home or phone the docs . i cant get it off my mind
can anyone relate to this

23-04-13, 18:50
i can definitely relate it is horrid isn't it i always feel as if i have to conciously control it, ibhave been to the doctors where they checked my lungs and they came out clear, i think because we coverntrate on it, it makes us feel as though we can't breathe proper have you tried some distraction techniques? x

24-04-13, 18:22
hi izzie
thank you for your reply yes i have tried everything but i still get going to docs tomoz so hopefully they will send me for test
i have been to the gym and took my my bp up to 145 and no chest pain so dont think its my heart