View Full Version : 2 very good reason NOT to google!

22-09-06, 22:33
Well im here to announce that i have been almost a month google free!*APPLAUSE* i know, i know, THANKYOU!!:D

The reasons i chose to give up this horrifying disease?

1: i got myself into a stezzy over a few symptoms thinking i had cancer, looked again at the screen... prostate cancer?!!! lol [:O][:I]

2: looked up something else with a very very long diseasy name that kills you within hours, doing something very mean to your muscles in the meantime....... eerr DOUBT IT!! it was a gorilla virus :D[:I]

Unrelable and dishonest i broke off my relationship with google. and im so damn proud!

Becci x

22-09-06, 22:44
Well Done Becci !!

I stopped googling too !! I had every disease going !lol

I go on Ebay instead now, and its costing me a fortune !!!!!lol



23-09-06, 06:13
Hey well done:-) I use to google all the time 2 yrs ago, it made me so ill I couldn't function and I lost so much weight it was awful.

23-09-06, 10:56
Hey Becci,

Well done you. I used to be a googler but had to give it up cos it was driving me insane. Good on ye girl.

Take Care


23-09-06, 11:29
I have been Google free for 4 weeks now arent we supposed to get a coin or something???

23-09-06, 22:40
i wish i could stop googling. i go for a week or so then i get a symptom which i know is from anxiety and back to googling i go.
i am getting better with it tho as not so long ago i was googling everyday.
maybe soon (hopefully) i can announce i am gooling free.

all the best

23-09-06, 23:06
If you MUST google then why not add the word anxiety or panic to the end so that you also find sites that explain what you have in relation to panic/anxiety.


24-09-06, 11:47
I try not to google if I can possibly help it. I also don't read women's magazines which are full of stupid scare stories or watch hospital things on tv (except House which for some reason does not bother me and I like).

24-09-06, 13:35
I applause you Becci google no good for health reasons for us we get our mines going........not good for us good job.........best to ya Linda[8D]

24-09-06, 23:34
Yup. At this very moment I have a bump behind my earlobe. I googled it and the first thing that came up was cancer. Due to the fact that when I put rubbing alcohol it burns like crazy, I'm pretty much convinced it's one of those painful pimples. Google is evil.