View Full Version : Please tell me it gets easier

23-04-13, 20:32
I am just starting week 6 of 5mg Lexapro.
I'm having a really bad day.. I have little or no anxiety but I'm still having lightheadness, back and chest pain, weak arms and legs, blurred vision. When does it get easier? I'm so sick of feeling like this :( I'm also breaking out in hives.
I have convinced myself now that I'm sick and going to die. Please help

24-04-13, 14:51
Hey you

It does get easier believe me. You do have anxiety, it is just showing itself as all the symptoms you listed. You are not going to die, you are not sick, your anxiety is making you think this. You need to look in to techniques for managing your anxiety, there is plenty of guidance and support on here.

I would suggest going back to your doctor to review your medication too as this may also help.

Hang in there, you just need find a way to manage this rather than letting it control you. It's early days yet but you WILL find your way to deal with it.

24-04-13, 21:57
Lisa, thanks so much for your kind words x