View Full Version : I can feel my lymph node

23-04-13, 21:39
in the side of my neck, but only on one side. I noticed it by mistake two weeks ago and I'm sure it's bigger now. It feels about the size of a pea when I'm sitting up straight, but sometimes when I'm laying down it feels huge. :weep: It's not squidgy but not hard like a rock either, and it wobbles about slightly when I touch it. My other nodes are not swollen at all, infact I don't even have any others I can feel.
My mum says I shouldn't go to the doctor because I'd waste their time, but I'm really scared about having lymphoma and not noticing, because a girl I was penpals with died from it, although that type is very curable, because it was left for a very long time before she had treatment.
I also occasionally have pains in my front but I'm 90% sure those are just from sitting bent forward at my computer.

I know you're not supposed to ask for medical advice on here, but is this likely to be anything dangerous? I don't have any other symptoms apart from slightly tired, and I do stay up late so it's probably that. Also if I had lymphoma would leaving it 2-4 weeks make a big difference to whether it would be curable?

23-04-13, 22:33
Have you had a scratch or a bad spot or something? Sounds like it could be an infection. I think with lymphoma there are other symptoms. I'd try not to worry - easier said then done - but if you're worried you should see the GP x

24-04-13, 16:50
I'm scared the GP will think I'm paranoid and wasting their time, are they likely to? I haven't been in about three years though, so it's not like I'm in there wasting their time every week. Also might I have made my lymph node bigger or damaged it somehow, I've been messing with it for two weeks. :unsure:

24-04-13, 18:31
If you poke a lymph node it will get bigger, and it will stay bigger for awhile. That is because lymph nodes don't have the capacity to drain quicky, just slowly over time. And their shape can change.

28-04-13, 20:14
Aaah freaking out about this now because I thought it had grown earlier, but I'm not sure now. It seems to feel bigger when I'm laying down then small later on, but they surely can't change that fast?
Also I'm really scared by how upset my family would be (well some of them) if I have something serious!