View Full Version : head problems, going through a really bad phase :(

24-04-13, 00:48
I really need some help here. I am going through such a bad bout of anxiety. I have had an almost constant pain/pressure in my head. I will get prickly sensations all over my head and sometimes it will feel like it is burning. It varies in intensity but is just always there. I assumed it was my sinuses as it is on my face as well. I got an MRI, and apparently my sinuses came back totally normal. No one knows what is causing this... ENT is sure its not sinuses. There was an abnormality on the MRI called a partially empty sella, but apparently that means nothing. I KNOW I am under a lot of anxiety right now. Have any of you ever had the feelings I am describing? I am so miserable right now. Really just feel so low :(

---------- Post added at 23:48 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------

its kind of on the top of my head and behind my ears and down the sides of my face.

24-04-13, 02:01
Hi, I have been having EXACTLY the same things you describe.
Pressure on the side of my head (only right) just above the ear, sometimes infront sometimes behind. When I have had a bad panic attack or under a lot of stress it will get worse and effect the side of my face to the extent that it will feel swollen but it's not. I have been worrying it's a tumor or something but my doctor laughed and said you would be having other symptoms and that's the last thing she would consider that's causing this pressure. I do have a habbit of grinding my teeth which I do quite often that could play a part in the pressure, I'm not sure.. But you're not alone. Since this head pressure has started I get head pains and headaches easily too.

24-04-13, 02:34
thank you so much for your reply. Of course, no one should have to suffer, but knowing you are not alone is so helpful. I feel like I am at my wits end. I just cannot cope. As my name says, I keep telling myself it will pass.

24-04-13, 10:31
Do you sometimes get sharp head pains which last for a couple of minutes?
I always get these and it scares the hell out of me.

24-04-13, 11:29
Does this only happen to you when you are stressed or anxious? If so then it may be simply the effects of stress on your body, it can do funny things to us.

It also might be worth considering the idea that it may be a kind of migraine problem?