View Full Version : blood clot in legs

23-09-06, 09:10
how do you no if you have blood clot in your legs evry day i get up feeling a funny twitch and tension but think the worst and that sets me off for the day feling afraid to move just incase i do have one sounds stupid but its makin me feel ill evry day thanks for listenin trish

23-09-06, 09:12
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">how do you no if you have blood clot in your legs evry day i get up feeling a funny twitch and tension but think the worst and that sets me off for the day feling afraid to move just incase i do have one sounds stupid but its makin me feel ill evry day thanks for listenin trish

<div align="right">Originally posted by trish1955 - 23 September 2006 : 10:10:03</div id="right">ps realy trying not to googel but so tempted to find out
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

23-09-06, 17:21
hi Trish

what is the pain like?? ive had a clot so explain your pain and i'll let u know, i wont say now coz u will probably think u have these pains, all i can say is honestly it dosnt sound like it 2 me,
take care
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

24-09-06, 16:58
Hi Trish

Twitching is one of the many symptoms of anxiety. My legs often feel twitchy in the morning. Usually by the time I've got moving and had breakfast I've managed to talk myself out of it and it starts to fade away.

Also adrenaline can cause twitching because your body is trying to use up the extra adrenaline which it didn't really need.


25-09-06, 16:25

it does sound like anxiety i get twitching a lot and pain (though thats the m.e) but it really doesnt sound like a blood clot

dont google
instead tell leanne your symptoms


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