View Full Version : struggling a bit just now but determined to see it through

24-04-13, 12:50
Hi all,

My anxiety levels have been on the increase the last week or so which is a blow as Ive been on citalopram for the last 6 weeks. I'm feeling very nervous and shaky as if ive had a fright. I'm awaiting a call back from the doctor to see if this is normal or if we need to review my meds.

Gutted, three weeks ago I was feeling so much better.

Anxiety sucks.

I'm determined to beat it though. It's my life, and its meant for living not stressing.

24-04-13, 13:02
Its great that you are still determined, we can't just give in and let anxiety win! Stay strong and I hope you feel better soon!

24-04-13, 13:30
Thanks for your reply.

I think I just need the reassurance that the feelings are normal and that the Citalopram should actually help me in the long run.

24-04-13, 14:38
I've been on citalopram for last month and had dose increased last Friday and I too feel as though I have taken a step back. I had to come home from work yesterday and couldn't go in today.... Doctors say the citalopram can take 3 months to fully work and one down side is intensified anxiety which is what I am experiencing. Bekzie is right we can't give in. Hope u feel better soon x

24-04-13, 17:06
I'm hoping the doc will reassure me and keep me going. I'm due to see her next week anyway so we'll see what she says when she calls back.

Jen Sat
24-04-13, 17:22
Hi, this is a bit reassuring as I too have been on Citalopram for 7 weeks and my anxiety has increased over the past couple of weeks. I had 2 weeks of side effects which settled and then I felt so much better for 3 weeks then feel like am going down hill. Im on 20mg so think it needs to be increased, not sure if that means more side effects...I hope not. What time of day do you take yours?

24-04-13, 17:30
I take mines about 8pm. I started off taking them in the morning but I was so tired and unable to concentrate at work I switched to evenings. I am a lot less tired at work now, but I still feel exhausted all the time with weak legs.

24-04-13, 17:45
Maybes that is where I am going wrong, as I have been taking mine on a morning!!! I think I will try switching to an evening - does it help you sleep any better taking them on a night? I am really struggling with sleep at the minute...... waking up anywhere from 3am and then cant sleep and then shattered for the rest of the day

24-04-13, 18:01
I haven't yet had an issue with sleeping. I sleep right through, I do however find it harder to wake up in the mornings now, not sure if its the cit or if I'm just a lazy git...

If or when I start having sleep issues I will switch back to taking them in the morning/afternoon.

24-04-13, 18:42
What dose are you on? I was on 10 mg but my GP put it up to 20mg last Friday and its the last couple of days I have had sleeplessness which I am guessing is a side effect of the increased dosage as well as the fact I have had waves of anxiety over last couple of days. I thought it might do me good to go for a walk with the kids, but I only got to the local garage (about half a mile away) and got a loaf of bread and walked back because I felt uneasy - I know its stupid, just wish I could pull myself together but think its sleep deprivation

24-04-13, 19:44
I was started on 20mg. Not sure if she will up me to 30 after I see her next week.

24-04-13, 21:18
good luck - I am at GPs tomorrow, but feel a bit better tonight - thanks x

25-04-13, 08:41
Let me know how you get on.

25-04-13, 08:48
Will do. Had a bad night with sleep so going to try and go back to bed for an hour as had to phone in sick at work... Which does make me feel guilty

25-04-13, 08:51
Your health always should come first.

25-04-13, 09:04
Hello liviguy, you hang in there as from what I have read, the meds should start to help you if you can keep going. I actually take fluoxetine & have been on & off it numerous times. Similarly there's always an adjustment period for me too. I think that's natural.
I doubt very much you are a lazy git, I often feel that I'm lazy but having looked at the truth of it, in my case I do get depressed & when I'm dealing with stuff that's difficult, I find motivation a problem. I have looked at information on Procrastination recently & this helped me enormously. There is a really good website with lots of helpful work books on various issues.
If you have a look here there's detailed information on procrastination and also I see there's a bit for panic as well. I havent looked at that one in detail but if it's written in the same way as others I have read on there, it will be really helpful for you. Meanwhile keep plugging away if you can because even if sometimes you feel like you are slipping back, you may actually be holding on where you are, if not actually improving at times (it just doesnt always feel that way).

25-04-13, 09:23
Thanks Tessar, your words of encouragement are helpful.

That website looks familiar actually, I had a telephone CBT session a few months ago (which unfortunately didn't help much as it was more explaining what was happening with me which after 18 years, I kind of know it all rather than how to combat it) and that was one of the links they sent me.

25-04-13, 17:50
Well Go thinks doubling dose of citalopram from 10 to 20mg has caused the increased anxiety so I have to alternate between doses and be patient that the medication will balance out. I think just talking to her helped... She has suffered in the past and really understands. She has given me some diazepam to help with sleep but it makes me anxious just thinking about taking sleeping tablets..

25-04-13, 17:56

Diazepam aren't really sleeping tablets, they will just relax your mind so you can get a peaceful sleep.

25-04-13, 18:24
Have u tried them? I am a little frightened too

25-04-13, 18:28
I've taken them yes. One night after a bad panic attack and also before a blood test.