View Full Version : Sticks and stones

courtney mullane
24-04-13, 13:34
just come across a video with these words,there quiet meaningful as i have felt like this before has anybody else?please take time to read this its deep and to me everything mentioned is a perfect way to describe those tough times in life.

Sticks and stones may break your bones but, words can never hurt you...well the truth is they do, they hurt a lot. I can’t even remember when it all began the day I became there victim a target, they took my happiness away and now all I dream of is my special place the time when I can be alone and they can’t hurt me where my mind and spirit are free there’s no barriers and no one to judge me this is where I forget the pain that builds up inside me here I am free from everything and most importantly everyone.
I can feel the wind blowing through my hair it carry’s the pain away the grass brushes against my hand like a thousand tiny tendons comforting me the birds are above and all around me they are my company this is my peace of heaven and no one can take it away from me but of course its only heaven for a while the pain is always waiting round the corner calling my name pulling me back.
I have no friends and no one to talk to and no one to tell I’m so lost in my loneliness with no hope of escape.
So I sit here for hours crying tears that no one ever sees, talking words that no one ever hears no one knows what is really going on everyone sleeps peacefully in their beds looking forward to tomorrow but not me you see I know what tomorrow brings.
I’m sorry if I hurt you but it has to be this way, you see I’m going to my heaven I’m going to be free like the birds the wind blow through my hair as the sun warms my face those sticks and stones won’t hurt me anymore I’ll be happy at last.