View Full Version : I am a complete wreck. Somebody please help (long post)

24-04-13, 17:09
Hello everyone,

I am currently a 22-year old male. In late 2009, I experienced a vasculitis type of disorder called Henoch-Schonlen purpura (HSP). It's characterized by non-itchy rashes on the skin which are actually tiny hemorrhages. Other common symptoms include abdominal pain and joint pain.

I think my case was rather mild. The rashes appeared mainly at the back of my arm and my thighs. I've seen pictures of HSP on the Internet and those photos I saw were rather worse than mine.

For a period of 5 months, I had the on and off rash. It would go away and then after a few weeks, it would go back. I went to the dermatologist and after a normal blood test, she said it was HSP and the cause was just unknown. She did say that I should not worry as most of the cases of HSP was unknown in cause.

I tried living a normal life and thankfully...since then, the rash hasn't come back.

However, fast forward 3 years later... This morning, I noticed a single small pinkish spot at the back of my right arm. The pinkish spot, if I'm not mistaken, looks a bit like the rash I had 3 years ago -- only difference though it's just one spot. Also, throughout the day, I've had some weird stomach grumbling (I had this before too when I was first diagnosed with HSP). No joint o muscular pain so far. I don't know if HSP is back or I'm just thinking too much.

Here's the problem... I tried searching the Internet for some forums that were dedicated to HSP and lo and behold, I found out people sharing their stories about HSP and some of them I found out were progressing to kidney disease.

While HSP is generally considered a BENIGN and SELF-LIMITED disorder only, one main (although uncommon) concern is that it could affect the kidneys. As stated in one of the medical boards I found, a doctor said: Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) is generally a mild self-limited illness that resolves spontaneously. The outcome is usually excellent. Some patients, however, may have significant problems with the kidneys or intestines. Treatment is usually supportive with adequate hydration and rest being very important.

I read that some 22 male from Australia was diagnosed with severe kidney problems because of HSP and one of the posters their had a son who was 19 years old and had to remove one kidney because of HSP! THIS TOTALLY FREAKED ME OUT!

HSP is common in children, but they can occur in adults as well. Right now, I'm just thinking I am going to be doomed by kidney failure! My last urine test was in 2011 and it came out normal except for some microscopic blood in urine. :( Help, I really don't know what to do. As of now, I cannot see the classical spread of rash on my body but I am thinking the worst already.

What should I do, I cannot sleep. I am freaking out and I have a very crucial exam to take next week and I cannot concentrate on it because of this worrying. :weep:

24-04-13, 17:50
I think you should make an appointment with your GP. Tell them about your worries so that they can reassure you. I think you tell them what you read on the internet (they are used to patients doing this these days). I feel sure you will be fine.