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View Full Version : Diazepam. Time to stop....again..

Bishop Watusi
24-04-13, 17:26
Just signed up and though I'd quickly post my experiences with Diazepam.
I started using Diaz a few years back for pre-flight nerves and found 5-15mg
helped, especially with a double scotch.
Since then found them a very 'convenient' way of taking the edge off all sorts of situations that normally would crop up in life generally.
This led to being able to fully function confidently without any lack of energy levels during the day taking up to 40-50mg.
After some personal issues, break-up divorce, bad rebound relationship decided last year in March to cold turkey and sweat it out.
I'd realised they were making me 'not my normal self', sometimes without even realising it. It effected my libido and I was generally mostly quite miserable and lost a lot of enthusiasm and abandoned lost of interests.
The cold turkey was awful and went on for what felt like months. Waking up at 4.00am with a jolt, all my teeth and gums feeling like they were over sensitive (Dentist checked them out and all 100%) I had to either work like crazy to make myself sleep or have a couple drinks before bed.Also had chest pains, shakes, although they did subside relatively quickly.
I went along with this for a couple of months and caved in. Bought some Diaz on-line and gradually started feeling a bit better but not much.
I decided, like you're supposed to, to taper and managed another couple of months to get down to 7mg a day. Then I got stuck with a situation, caved in and now back to 20mg a day minimum.
I've tried all sorts of other meds and sense has always prevailed and lost any interest in taking them again after a few days. Same with alcohol. Can stop drinking and no problems whatsoever. I know I don't like these benzos and really want to stop taking them but its the hardest thing I've ever had to do,


25-04-13, 08:52
it is hard Pierre , i know how you feeling and youre so right with it taking the edge off things . 43 days now but goodness its been so hard not wanting to give in to having just 2mg , it be nearly a year June i started to decrease my dose , its not something you can do over night , its so much patience and 43 days so much hard work for not taking any ..
please feel free to pm me please . i can do with support and maybe help you. x