View Full Version : dizzyness worry

24-04-13, 18:42
Hello, my HA has been ok now for weeks with my new medication, well today i was in the city and it was quiet warm today, i suddenly felt really dizzy, i started to panic and it went away within 5 minutes, now im worrying. Ive never felt like that from the heat before and i think only 1 time ever before, i hate feeling dizzy and it makes me really panic. any help on what this cauld be??

24-04-13, 19:02
Maybe you were sub-consciously worried about taking the medication and that fear caused it?
I started taking Propranolol 6 weeks ago and on day 2 my legs went like jelly on the way home from my daughter's school. I couldnt feel them properly an I was petrified. Needless to say it went soon enough and hasn't occurred since :-)

24-04-13, 19:14
Ive been on the medication a while now, i take 80mg propraolol a day

24-04-13, 19:44
My doctor did advise me that they may decrease blood pressure and can cause dizziness. He assured me this was all normal.

I know knowing that something is normal does not necessarily make it better though, I have been worrying since Saturday about my palpitations (which have since subsided) and racing heart. This was the reason I went to the doctors in the first place and he isn't at all concerned. I also went to A&E twice and nothing wrong! I still have had the worst few days of my entire life. No sleep and crying constantly. I feel so drained and scared and cannot stop checking my pulse! (And even though it feels normal I'm still scared, what if I have a blood clot, what if its too weak??!! Our minds can be cruel!)