View Full Version : Headache/pressure from anxiety or serious symptoms! Help!!

24-04-13, 19:49
So i have had head pressure and ear pressure, ears ringing and dizzyness for 3weeks and a constant headache for the last week. My head feels foggy and I feel like I have an elastic band round it! I feel like i need to pop my ears and they feel like they are bleeding half the time. My neck aches so much and my headache is mainly behind eyes, forehead and behind ears.

At first doctors said labrinthitus and I thought my sinuses but its lasted so long now I keep thinking its something worse. I am taking paracetemol every 4hours (been over a week now) as well as these antidizzy/pressure tablets the doctor has given me (not working).

It's lasted so long and I have been doctors so many times that he has finally referred me to a neurologist. He thinks its just my anxiety but wants to be sure (think he is just fed up of seeing me lol) so now my anxiety is up the wall thinking and worrying about what the neurologist will say. So now I am thinking am I worse because I am worried and its causing symptoms or is the symptoms making me worry. I hate it its a horrible cycle which I can't seem to get out! So scared that I have a brain tumour :(
Is anyone else experiencing the same type headaches/pressure.

24-04-13, 20:49
Been experiencing headaches sharp pains throbbing pains and head pressure everyday since Novemeber, it's calmed down a lot but it's still there everyday.

24-04-13, 21:54
Hi my son has been back and forward to go for almost two years with headache and was sent straight to hospital yesterday because of this,he had been diagnosed with glaucoma and had laser surgery today.he is only 33 and not common disease in younger people.

26-04-13, 16:27
i have the exact same, ive been suffering for nearly one year now, dizziness, pressure headache, tingling, a ball like feeling of pain, shooting pain, every single day, also pain at my eye brow area or behind my eye, apparently its just all anxiety/tension

26-04-13, 17:27

Labyrithinits can last for weeks and so can sinus problems. I know it's hard but try not to panic it does sound like it's very much sinus/ear related. I suffer with my ears and go through spells of dizziness and popping, I also have allergies and suffer with sinus issues. It's really annoying but hopefully with the warmer weather on the way it will all start to calm down.

When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago about sinus issues they said I had fluid trapped in my ears and told me that I needed to inhale steam a couple of times a day to relieve it and ease the pressure/pain.

Hope you feel better soon.