View Full Version : someone has hacked into my account

24-04-13, 20:25
hi guys really pi??ed off now.i had a email from my internet supplier to say that someone from RUSSIA has hacked into my laptop and got all my private info.i know this is true has all my family and anyone in my email list has got a email with my name on it.even my 12 year old granddaughter had one.she was the one that brought it to my attention.my gp,
and the person who i brought my mobilty scooter from, amazon, even my craft cards site.
i am now worried that they can get into this site and other forums im on.
my internet supplier sent me a link to click on so they can stop this.
im now worried incase its a con.
i have now deleted all emails i have saved over the last few months.i know its a bit late now like the saying goes
its no good locking the door now the horse as bolted.

24-04-13, 20:30
Have you changed your password since finding out? I have had quite a few friends who have had their email account hacked in the last two months. I wonder whats going on!

24-04-13, 20:46
My first thought about this is that it may be some kind of scam? Does your Internet provider usually contact you by email? I would be wary of clicking on the link to be honest - I would call your Internet supplier directly on the phone to talk to them first. I think it would be unusual for them to email you about something like that.

Change your email password for the moment and cam, your supplier before taking any action :)

24-04-13, 20:47
Don't click on the link and get in touch with your internet supplier directly..
as far as I'm aware there is no link that stops this.
And your internet supplier would never get in contact with your via an email saying you're computer has been hacked.
Run an anti virus and malware scanner I recommened AVG for free if you haven't got one and MalwareBytes for a malware scanner.

Once everything has come back fine then change your email passwords again. If you contacts have had emails from your emails it could just be a simple virus on your PC not necessarily someone has your password.

24-04-13, 22:24
I agree with The posts above the email might be a scam email so don't follow the instructions from that.
It is a virus that causes your address book details to be used not someone hacking into your computer.

24-04-13, 22:26
I had this before as well and just changed my password to be safe.

25-04-13, 07:59
It sounds like a scam to me, I haven't heard of people being contacted by their ISP's to tell them they have been hacked, or of a link that can stop it.

25-04-13, 20:10
Thanks to each and everyone who has given me the good advice my son is going to sort this out for me.I knew that you would help me.
Have a good evening.