View Full Version : hello

24-04-13, 20:36
Hi everyone.

I am really struggling at the moment. I seem to be okay one minute if I am busy, then I get all anxious panicy and pariond over silling things that don't matter. Its driving me mad. I just want to feel better. x

24-04-13, 21:44
Hello, I'm new here too, I'm here to talk and share :welcome:xxx

24-04-13, 23:06
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.

24-04-13, 23:15
Hi Flower and Rockabelle

I found this site only 2 weeks ago and have found it really helpful. Hoping you do too.


26-04-13, 19:32
welcome you will find lots of friends on here always willing to help

26-04-13, 22:20
Hello flower. You are amongst friends here and people who will relate to what you are going through. I find that keeping busy is a good way of helping myself. It's natural that when you are less busy then you will notice thoughts popping into your mind. There are lots of people on here who will have just the same or very similar experiences to yours. It's most odd how our minds can be consumed with random things, that like you say don't matter, but still we find ourselves drawn to think about them.
Often the more you try blocking the thoughts, the more they come.
That's why be being distracted is good since it breaks the flow.
Believe me, you will find this site really helpful & it's amazing how we can all help each others here.
Once you discover other people have the same sort of things going on, I find it eases your burden. Instead of wondering about yourself & why you are doing it, you discover you aren't alone in thinking this way. it seems almost natural to have phases where the sort of thing you describe is going on in your mind. So instead of it being a real issue, you sort of get used to it.
I treat some of my odd thoughts as like old friends. They crop up, I recognise them, let them say whatever it is they want & then they drift away til the next time.
It is odd though as I seem to have a bit of "chatter" going on in the background in my mind pretty much all the time. Sometimes i'm more aware of it than other times. Like you say, if I am busy, it's far less apparent.
Bye for now....& look forward to seeing you around on here.... :)