View Full Version : Another Thread Acid Reflux, tests required?

24-04-13, 22:42
Anybody been told they have acid reflux without tests?

Mt GP and A&E when it started in December said what i was experiencing was classic acid reflux. Now i've never had any tests to prove otherwise, should i have tests?

Since December it has improved massively, it took a while but it went away pretty much, but i was taking omeprazole by this point very other day or very couple days, which came about by me simply forgetting to take them, and i found it actually helped taking them with a few days in between, now last week i didn't take them for 4 days and it got worse again (lots of saliva mainly) and it hasn't got any better despite taking an omeprazole for the last 3 days consecutive, in fact it seems worse :(

I google the question "can omeprazole make acid reflux worse?" and i looked down the results and saw a paragraph which said "if you leave acid reflux it can cause cancer" or something like that.

Now i'm getting all paranoid again!!!, i asked google a simple question and it came back with cancer :(

The doctor has not asked about my acid reflux since, is it something that needs to be kept an eye on? is it normal to have it come and go in bouts? i'm not sure wether to take omeprazole tonight or not.


24-04-13, 22:44
Mine comes and goes all the time and omeprazole helps but i was told to keep taking it for at least 2 weeks at a time and not the odd one or two tablets here and there.

Everything you google will say cancer though so no googling!

24-04-13, 22:49

i think i'm going to back and see the doctor and have a chat with them, because thye haven't mentioned a thing about it, or wether to try a different dose or what, i just take them whenever really...

Its good to know it comes and goes...it seems worse since having a sausgae, cheese and carbonara pasta bake earlier...but i've had that loads and never had a problem.

i know, i try not to, i typed a question which i didn't think would come up with cancer but i guess i was wrong, wish theyre was a way to filter out the word cancer from the search results :(

24-04-13, 23:02
Yes do go and see the doc but they may say you need to take it religiously for a while to see how it goes and then if necessary they may refer you for tests but I have never had tests done on mine and it goes in time.

they did tell me to eat small meals regularly and not 3 big meals a day

24-04-13, 23:09
Yes the doctor in a&e said it to me and so did my doctor the only took note and asked for a test because if my weight loss my barium swallow said I had a hiatus hernia I suffer immensely with acid I've had it the last week again :( so scary x

25-04-13, 00:41
My partner has acid reflux caused by hiatus hernia and he takes those tablets and they really work for him but if he doesn't take them everyday he finds the effect is dramatically affected. They done an endoscopy on him but he had a lot of other problems before diagnosis of hernia.
I also have just been given these tablets on first day so far as doctor believes I have gastritis and was told they they would take 2weeks to see a result.
From a known acid reflux sufferer can I ask if you believe this is acid reflux, I feel fine till about 3pm and then I start to feel sick but the sickness feeling is in my chest and stays there till bed time and it makes me not want dinner as I already feel full and ill. Does that sound like acid reflux that's just sitting there to you?

25-04-13, 10:09
People experience acid reflux in a variety of different ways, some people feel nauseous, some people have chest pain, I had heartburn and could feel the acid rising in my gullet and into my throat. They will only do an endoscopy if the tablets haven't worked, and it sounds as if they work for you. There are people, me included, for whom ppi's such as omeprazole don't work, and I had an endoscopy, which is to check for inflammation. They didn't find any, said everything was normal, and I finally discovered that high doses of ranitidine (Zantac) work for me.