View Full Version : bowel cancer? IBS? WHAT IS IT!

24-04-13, 23:59
For about a year or so now I have had the most horrible pain on my left upper abdomen :(

I have been to the doctors various times and the same answer is always oh its ibs have these pills! I have tried all the pills and nothing has worked :( they have looked at my kidneys and found one cyst but the doctor said that was not the route of the problem... there was also mention that it might be gallbladder attacked but I read that is on the right side... So is it really ibs? I cant help but worry after I read an article about a young women who was told it was ibs by her GP and she then later found out it was in fact bowl cancer (she also didnt have any symptoms of blood in stool) which i also dont have!

My symptoms do sometimes get worse when I eat certain foods such as cucumber or broccoli.. but sometimes I get the pain (feels like someone is punching me from the inside and in the area I cant physically touch it because its very bruised even tho there is not one!)

Im sorry this is badly written I am just in such a panic and just dont know what todo... im too scared to eat or anything

25-04-13, 00:01
I think loads of us on here have IBS and it is very hard to diagnose accurately. They do this as a process of elimination.

Have you had any tests done?

Have they treated you for acid reflux/indigestion as well?

Also anxiety can cause these sort of pains too

25-04-13, 00:05
Thanks for replying!

The only test so far is a ultra sound of my kidneys and bladder!

but I went for bloods today which was full blood count and inflammation markers etc

25-04-13, 00:13
I guess all they can do is a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy which aren't pleasant.

Is your diet good and do you drink lots of water?

25-04-13, 00:16
I recently joined a slimming club and i eat really well and all i drink is water and green tea!

25-04-13, 00:23
IBS is one of those things a lot of us get and I am not sure they know all the causes and treatments as yet.

eat small meals regularly and keep a food diary and note what triggers it then you can work out when the pain occurs

25-04-13, 00:32
I too have same problems as you but my pain is in the centre directly under rib cage so painful to touch, always there etc. had mine for 3months now.
Doctor thinks I have gastritis, inflammation of stomach
Do you feel sick but from your chest like a indigestion type thing? As that could be acid reflux like me.
Also what are your bowels like, ie mine are dark black which indicates stomach problems.
I have been given oromorph today so fingers crossed for an improvement as I know how you feel and it can really get you down daily x