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View Full Version : Really frightened

25-04-13, 09:51
Have made an emergency appointment to see my GP in a bit about the lump in my breast. The bruise has gone but the lump is still there and I'm terrified. Feel sick and anxious.

25-04-13, 10:01
Good luck Apple :)

25-04-13, 10:08
Thanks Coppernob - am still terrified! Keep thinking it's going to be something horrible.

25-04-13, 10:12
I had some breast pain a few months back and got referred to the breast clinic. The referral was really quick, only 2 weeks - they see everyone within 2 weeks in my area. Everyone was very efficient and friendly at the clinic and I was checked out and all was fine.

They said almost everyone who gets referred turns out to be fine, so try not to worry. There are many 'innocent' reasons for bumps and lumps which turn out to be nothing to worry about.

25-04-13, 18:25
So, was examined (properly this time) by my GP (not the one i saw last week) who said it's normal, lobular breast tissue. She said she didn't want to refer me for a scan - she honestly didn't think I needed to go. It still feels lumpier than the other breast. Should I press for a scan?

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

Keep scaring myself with stories about everyone who's ever been misdiagnosed.

25-04-13, 18:57
I really feel for you, Apple. Being frightened about your health is something most of us can really identify with and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Would going for a scan help or would you get yourself into even more of a state over it?

Your GP is not going to take any chances with this and if he or she even slightly suspected it was worth further investigation, you would have been referred to the breast clinic. Of course keep an eye on it but really, I would take what the GP said and try not to worry about it any more xx

25-04-13, 19:25
Good question Sarah - honest answer is I don't know. I know I'd want a scan but would worry until I had it. The lump in my left boob really does feel bigger than anything on the same side in the other boob, if that makes sense. Am now poking and pinching myself again to check :(

25-04-13, 19:52
You have been examined by two docs now and neither of them thought it was necessary to take things any further. Mammograms and procedures like that can be very stressful for lots us. Do you want to put yourself through it when your doc thinks there is no reason to, especially when it might not give you peace of mind anyway?

However, it is your body and your health and your peace of mind you need to look after. Can I suggest waiting a few days and seeing how you feel about it then? Sometimes when we get so used to worrying then the reason to worry is taken away it takes a while to let go of the worry, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, big hugs to you. Try to remember you have actually had some great news from the doc today xx

25-04-13, 19:56
Ok, will do. Am going to try and stop the poking. And am going to take a break from worrying about it for tonight! Hugs x

25-04-13, 20:04
Sleep well, Apple xx

25-04-13, 20:11
Drs can tell the difference between lumpy areas and distinct lumps so thats great news. I appreciate you are not going to stop worrying though! Maybe go back and explain your severe anxiety over this and ask to be referred to breast clnic just for your peace of mind.

You mentioned a bruise??? did you bang your breast or was the bruist from you poking and prodding:whistles:

I was in a very bad car crash once and got compression injuries from the seatbelt with severe bruising to breast and a few days later the breast became totally deformed with huge lumps:scared15: due to the fat cells dying from compression. It took a year for my breast to return to normal so if you have banged your breast hard it is possible to get a lump that is harmless but doubt this is what has happened to you if Dr can only feel lumpy area but thought this info might help someone else in the future if they bang their breast really hard.

25-04-13, 21:11
Apple, mine are similar. It's normal to have more of that lobular stuff in one breast than the other. My right breast has hardly any in it, and my left one is slightly bigger both in terms of external size and in terms of the lobular stuff inside. I get aches at various points of the month in my right breast (bigger one), and I've never had any pain or ache in my left one. When I was referred to the breast clinic, the doctor said this is probably because there is more breast tissue in the right one, so it responds to the changes in hormone levels more than the left one does.

I hope that reassures you some.

26-04-13, 21:38
Thanks guys.

Countrygirl- think it was from poking and prodding. Bruise is all gone now. Day has been better and I haven't worried so much but in my HA brain am struggling to accept what my GP said. Am tempted to pay for a private scan.

26-04-13, 21:45
I have been thinking about you today, Apple. HA is awful, isn't it? I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

If you think a scan would put your mind at rest, you have every right to go to your GP again and ask for one xx

26-04-13, 22:26
Am tempted to pay for

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

Stupid phone! Am really tempted to pay for a Bupa health assessment. My mother in law (who's a nurse) said that my GP will know what she's doing. She said it'll probably not be fully healed from the bruise either.

28-04-13, 01:12
Had better day and am now bit worried again. Original bruise all gone but have given myself a minor bruise from poking again. Lump doesn't exist in my other breast in the same place so scared. Am so fed up of this.