View Full Version : Feeling dull.numb.and negative Again..!!!

25-04-13, 11:21
Hi guys..since iv been on olanzapine 5mg im sleeping much better.But iv noticed im not feeling very happy or possitive...im feeling dull and low mood..and my anxiery seems to still be with me..im starting to focus again on my negative thoughts..ahhrrr.....im not sure if the jump from 2.5 upto 5mg is responsable for this..im upto 100mg of trazadone and have been for several days..it just seems to be this olanzapine time scale that iv felt low and my derealization is higher two..any ideas ? As i say iv been on this drug a week.but on the 5 mg dose for three days..dose this stuff have to get into your system like anti depressants..or is it a soon as you start taking kind of drug...i can feel my possitive mood fadeing and i dont want it to go...any sugestions...has anyone been on or is on this..etc...thanks

25-04-13, 11:31
Hi olanzapine is like an AD as in respects it has to build up in your system but it doesn't take quite as long as ADs do, prob a couple of weeks, you've got alot of med changes going on altogether so that's prob why your feeling a bit off it, just try and bear with it as things should get better soon x x

25-04-13, 11:50
I agree with Nicola and I think it is just time for your body to adjust to the changes in meds. Hopefully it won' take long.

25-04-13, 12:14
Thanks girls.I will give it the time ..Its just so iratating as i started feeling better as you prob coud see..so to now syart feeling down again is so depressing..tjanks girls for your advice.

25-04-13, 13:51
Hi Greg,

It's not unusual to feel up and down, as you probably know yourself.
We all have days where we feel a little better and able cope better and get on with things,then maybe the next day we can't face it.

I'm 5 months down the line on the dose of 150mg, and I still have up and down flat days.
The only way I can manage this without getting to anxious is to say to myself
" I'm having a down day today" not easy don't get me wrong but it helps me from getting more down and think I my I'm going backwards.

If you try and think I'm not always going to feel up,you might handle it a little better you can only try.
Even people without depression/anxiety have down days.

Keep going Greg,your doing brill from where you were last week