View Full Version : Psychotherapist says it isn't anxiety, docs say it is...bah!

25-04-13, 14:06
I think karma is conspiring against me because it has seen that I'm coping much better with my anxiety as it has just thrown an almighty spanner in the works.

For a few weeks now, my docs have been telling me that I have anxiety, as I have the shakes, pains in my joints, always tired and have shaking eyes unable to focus. I've had an MRI and seen a neurologist and opthamalogist and they all agree.

Right, so, despite not personally feeling that anxious, I started CBT and medication (Citalopram and Propronanol) and for the most part, I've felt mentally better. My physical symptoms haven't gone away at all, though, and are still making me feel uncomfortable (but not anxious).

Part of my 'recovery' has been to start seeing a psychotherapist, who when I explained my symptoms said I didn't have anxiety - but that I was anxious re: my actual physical symptoms, which I should 'pursue and get checked out'. My doctor says that the physical symptoms are caused by anxiety, which I should 'pursue and fix'.

I'm really not sure as to what to do. She's a trained psychotherapist saying it's not anxiety, and the docs are saying it is anxiety. Meanwhile, my wrist hurts just from typing this, my legs hurt as if I've run a marathon and my eyes can barely focus on one spot.

BAH. At least I don't feel too anxious. Anyone with any thoughts? Any time I say to the doctor I want more tests I feel that they rule it out straight away as anxiety - but this is my body, and I do feel like something has gone wrong!

25-04-13, 19:29
That's a really awkward situation. Can you maybe ask the psychotherapist to write to your doctor and let them sort it out between them and tell you what to do.

25-04-13, 20:23
One big question -- has your Dr checked your thryoid levels????

I know so many people diagnosed with anxiety and it due to their thryoid.

If he has done a thyroid blood test then you can ignore my post but if he hasn't then ask for one pronto.

My poor aunty had months of symptoms ( shaking all over, out of breath racing heart) and Dr did all sorts over and over but never did a thyroid until she asked if it had been done and sure enough she had hyperthyoridsm which was totally successfully treated.

25-04-13, 21:08
It could be something like ME or lupus or…. I think being deficient in certain vits/minerals can lead to those kind of symptoms. There are lots of physical things it could be.

If you're not feeling anxious but still experiencing physical symptoms, then it makes sense to pursue this. If your therapist is sure it's not anxiety, or believes there's a good chance it's not - perhaps she would be willing to write a note for you to hand your doctor. The doctor is then more likely to listen.

25-04-13, 22:50
Firstly, thank you all for your replies. I might get the therapist to write a letter. I think I have had my thyroid tested sadly! In terms of tests I have had bloods and an MRI. I do want to pursue it but then again I know anxiety can create all sorts of stuff. Never thought about ME :-(

25-04-13, 23:32
my advice ... always trust your instincts! Its your body and you have a right to ask for further tests :)

26-04-13, 02:03
I'm going through something similar and have been through a lot of different doctors in order to find one who was sympathetic.

Did your symptoms come on suddenly? Mine came on one afternoon and I've been sick for about 6 months now. My counsellor agrees that the symptoms aren't caused by anxiety.

I have found a doctor who has experience chronic fatigue/ME and she has referred me to a naturopath, but I haven't felt any better.

I say keep pushing for answers or try to find a ympathetic doctor. It's horrible being told it's all in your head when you know it's not. Next time I'm at the doctor I'm going to ask them to test for trace mineral deficiencies, as I've only had the basic tests so far. I have had trouble with my digestive system and I'm not absorbing food properly so I'm sure this has something to do with the fatigue I'm experiencing.

Also ask them to test you for viruses as they don't necessarily do that, they didn't for me.

Good luck!