View Full Version : Setback with the dizziness...find myself searching for answers again!

25-04-13, 17:26
Hi everyone -

I'm new to the forum and have had what I believe to be anxiety for the past 3 months now. It started one day in January when I was at work; all of a sudden I felt very faint and light-headed, the dizziness and vertigo started that same week, my vision was also quite blurred. As most people would I started to panic about my symptoms and so went to the doctors - he diagnosed me with Labrynthitus and prescribed me beta-histines. I had four weeks off work, during which time the dizziness seemed to lift to a certain extent, but I had also developed lots of other symptoms in the meantime. I started to get really bad derealisation and depersonalisation, the dizziness isn't so bad but I have a constant feeling of being off-balance when I move. I notice floaters in my vision, I get pins and needles in my feet, my face even went numb for a while. All of which I discovered was probably being caused by anxiety. Once I'd accepted this, I started to feel a bit better. The derealisation was still there, but my other symptoms - particularly the dizziness and vertigo - seemed to be fading. However, on Monday morning I woke up with the worst feeling of vertigo and dizziness that I have ever experienced. For a good minute or two I could barely walk in a straight line, and since then the off balance/ vertigo feeling has come back with a vengeance. I haven't felt in the slightest bit anxious these past couple of weeks, and so i'm struggling to understand how this sudden onset of severe symptoms could still be related to anxiety. Sorry for the really long post, but I'm just questioning everything all over again and in many ways feel as though i'm back to square one.... should I go back to the doctors or would that just be taking two steps backwards in terms of accepting that these symptoms are being caused by anxiety??? Thanks

26-04-13, 09:42
It is possibly anxiety related but maybe you could get checked by your doctor anyway just to check if it is an inner ear infection causing it.

26-04-13, 10:39
Hi Annie, thanks for replying! When I went to the doctors originally he said he couldnt find anything wrong with my ears but prescribed me the Labrynthitus treatment anyway. But how could an inner ear infection cause all these other symptoms as well? Plus the off-balance feeling is worse some times than others...surely this wouldnt be the case if there was something physically wrong with my ears??

26-04-13, 11:57
If an inner ear problem has been ruled out and with the other symptoms you are describing then yes it is all probably anxiety related as all of the symptoms you have mentioned are related to anxiety. I kept going to my doctors thinking I had an ear problem and now just accept it is anxiety. Funnily enough once I accepted it was anxiety related it improved so I guess that proves it was :). I know you said you haven't really been feeling so anxious but the symptoms can still be there. You could mention the vertigo and dizziness to your doctor again though just to get more reassurance.