View Full Version : No more

25-04-13, 17:31
Hi everyone,
idont really know where to start.
But basically i have had enough of worrying constantly. Its getting too much for me now/
Ivr suffered fron Health aNiexty for many years, but recently its got so much worse. I am on sertraline 50mg.
I went to go for my smear test a couple of years ago, i couldnt go through with it as i was all in a pannc. It took me nearly two years to go for another one, that was last thursday. Again i could not go through with it, i didnt like the instrument being inserted in me. I kno this sounds stupid but but the panic was horrible, i had been dreading it all day and felt sick.
I hate myself for not going through with it.
Yesterday i had to go home earlier at work because i had such a headache and brain zaps.

I was 3 weeks late on my period i think this was due to stress,
Im having a discharge, its watery and no odor, ive had it for last few weeks, im convinced i have cancer as i am so scare to have the test. I dont know weather this much discharge is normal, is my stress making it worse, am i even imaginarying it??? Its got that bad i dont even know if my sympotms are real or just in my head.
I been crying all afternoon and had oanic attack.

That moment i thought i am going to doctor tomorrow ask for a higer dosage on my tablets, and as to see a counceller, maybe once ive calmed down i will be able to have my smear.

Does anyone know what i am going though because i am just sick to death of this now. Its not fun, it makes me worried, sick

Please reply/

25-04-13, 19:44
Hi Becks

I'm a novice at this HA stuff so I cant offer you much advice, but i know exactly what you are going through. It took me six years to pluck up courage to have a smear test done. It was only after finding this site and realising that I was not alone that I finally did it last summer.

Im not even scared of the procedure or the instruments - just the results. I was absolutley convinced that I would have a positive result and when the letter came saying clear I cried.

One thing I did though, was I told the nurse about my fears and how long it had taken me to decide to get it done. She was great, not at all judgemental and that a lot.

Still convinced I have got cancer though.... sometimes I hate myself for being like this. We just have to keep going.

25-04-13, 20:32
Hi Becks

I know it's worrying but you really do need to try and have this done. I've had so many smears over the years I've lost count but I've had some mild abnormalities that have been picked up and treated so I tend to have to have them more frequently.

It is hard before I had problems I used to freak out about them but now I've had so many I honestly don't give them a second thought.

The reason I'm telling you to go is because it's probably the stress causing this discharge. I've had this before and if you read some of my earlier posts you will see I've had a big Cervical cancer fear for a very log time. Last year I was convinced I had it and got myself so worked up I was having irregular periods, strange discharge, cramping and a whole heap of symptoms. I finally got referred to the hospital and as soon as they told me everything was fine my periods went back to normal and the discharge and cramping stopped so it was obviously my anxiety causing it.

I'm sure it will be fine, you can also get watery discharge with thrush and you don't always getting itching with it so it's probably something as straightforward as that.

Please go and get the smear done I know it's horrible but I'm sure it will be fine and even in the highly unlikely event there was something it's so easily treated it's one test that really is worth getting done.

Take care

25-04-13, 21:21
Hi Becks - Doctors and nurses know there are some women who get really scared about smears and you might want to talk to your GP about this because sometimes they can refer you somewhere where they have specially trained staff to help - like a community gynaecology clinic. Here the nurses are trained to deal with anxious patients and they will have a nurse at your head, helping you, and also one carrying out the smear at the other end. It is not at all unusual to have the fears you have and many other women do also, so please do discuss it with your GP and ask if there is another way it can happen which will make you less anxious. Often there are solutions, but you have to give them a chance to work with you and not just withdraw for another 2 years!

For example, your GP may be able to prescribe you with something to take before your appointment - like a beta blocker - which will calm you down and stop the fear.

So - do go back and talk about it.

26-04-13, 06:40
i have terrible health anxiety, my periods are irregular at times! im like 5 weeks late! my smears were clear, but last year i thought i had ovarian cancer....... im trying not to this time !! health anxiety is soooo horrible xx

26-04-13, 18:42
Can stress really cause discharge ???

---------- Post added at 18:42 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------

Believe me i want a smear test. i made two attempts to go but as i say my panic is unbearable.
Why cnt they just numb me or put me to sleep for it

26-04-13, 21:45

Yes it can, stress affects your hormone levels, hence irregular periods etc and your hormones being out of whack can cause differences in discharge.

Why don't you book an appt with the intention of just going for a chat about it and then see how you feel when you get there, you might surprise yourself and be able to go through with it.

That's what I had to do the first time I had a smear I remember being terrified and so I booked an appt with the nurse to have a chat about it and she was so lovely I ended up having it done there and then.

26-04-13, 22:29
I was terrified before I had my first smear last year. Was all fine and nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be x

26-04-13, 22:49
I had my first smear at 20 because of abnormal bleeding and pain during sex - It came back absolutely fine, so don't read too much into symptoms. I'm not sure about stress causing discharge, it might well do but it could also be because you're in a certain part of your menstrual cycle.

Is there any chance you could be pregnant?

I know it's hard, I had a panic attack at my first smear. I still dread them now but they really do need to be done. They're actually over surprisingly quickl.
