View Full Version : Back to work

25-04-13, 21:13
Back to work with me tomorrow :scared15:

For a bit of background: I've been off for 5 weeks, 3 of those sick leave, 2 annual leave that happened to co-incide.

I asked to be signed off to address the constant feeling of breathlessness I had plus the annoying and scary occasions that kept happening where my voice would 'break' as I was talking - very likely to do with emotions but I convince myself it's to do with my heart or breathing

I'm doing 4 night shifts. Probably not the easiest return to work!

I'm not sure how I feel about it. Part of me thinks once I get there I'll be fine, but then the other part of me is imagining I'll be so scared I won't be able to speak!

Fingers crossed.

Since being off I've revisted CBT, seen a hypnotherapist (who's lovely) and this week I have been to see a Buteyko practitioner to address the breathing issues. She has given me some really good exercises to do to calm my breathing and for when I'm speaking.

It's still early days so I do still feel breathless but hopefully it will be manageable.

Please wish me luck :blush:

25-04-13, 22:06
Good luck x

25-04-13, 22:13
Hi Potato did you find the cause of your breathlessness? I wish you well at work tomorrow.EJ

25-04-13, 22:47
Wishing you well on your return to work x

25-04-13, 22:51
Thanks guys :)

ElizabethJane - it's most likely to do with chronic hyperventilating. The docs ran blood tests and iron levels etc were ok so not looking pathological. Hoping the Buteyko method fixes it

NE21 worrier
26-04-13, 12:05
Good luck! :)