View Full Version : yet another thing-stabbing back pain...

25-04-13, 22:00
I really can't catch a break, every single day there has to be something, if not the usual then something new, or both...
So this morning I developed a strange new symptom and by now I am really panicking, googling and imagining all sorts.
It's like a stabbing type of pain in my back on the left side just above my waste sort of in the middle between the spine and the edge of the back. It;s just in a small area, and it comes on for less than a minute and goes and comes and goes. Then it went away, then hours later it came back. And it's been like that all day. I am worried it's my kidneys, a stone or something else wrong with them, well the one on the left actually... The pain doesn't move. And it cam when I was sitting and later when i was standing so it doesn't only coe on when i move. I have no idea what a spasm in the back would feel like or kidney pain, but i would wish it was the first one and not the second.
Please has anyone had similar pains?

26-04-13, 06:28
i had a similar thing for like 12 weeks, went to loads of drs, your kidneys are actually quite high up, protected by your rib cage, near your bra strap, theres loads of muscles there, thats all, look up lumbar if you have to google, just take some anti inflams! x

26-04-13, 13:50
Katie, thanks a lot for your reply, that's reassuring... it still comes and goes today but I managed to stay away from the doctors. For now ...

26-04-13, 13:53
It sounds like muscle spasms. Like Katie says...Anti inflammatory tablets should do the trick.

27-04-13, 06:47
mine came on and off all day. even sometimes now......4 years later i get the odd pain. x