View Full Version : Tai Chi

23-09-06, 18:51
Hi all. I started a Tai Chi course this week, partly to help with my anxiety, and I just want to recommend it as a useful tool for destressing and reducing anxiety levels (if you haven't heard of it or seen it it's kind of a cross between gentle yoga and meditation) Our first lesson concentrated on deep breathing technique and a couple of basic moves with the emphasis on your movement being very slow and graceful and fluid. I was amazed at how tensed up I was going into the class and only noticed the difference afterwards when I felt genuinely calm. So yeah....go for it people, I think it could be a great deal of benefit to fellow worriers and panickers!

Here's a link to a good site with lots of useful info including some online video demonstrations...


23-09-06, 19:58
will definitely suss it out. i have been thinking of yoga especially for the breathing but i may give this a try, anythings worth a go



23-09-06, 21:19
I have been going to Tai Chi for nearly a year now, and I really enjoy it. Now I can remember how to do some of the moves without having to keep watching the instructor it is quite relaxing. I go to Yoga Monday morning and Tai Chi Tuesday morning. I have made some nice friends and a couple of the girls have invited me to go and lunch with them in town after we had finished, so I thought 'Why not?' It all helps to build confidence. I am glad that I took that first nervous step to go to Yoga in the first place it has been well worth it.

Best Wishes
Jenny xxxxxxxxxxx