View Full Version : Seeing things?

25-04-13, 23:49
Hey it's just me again,

Does anybody sometimes find their senses are heightened? As if you see things on the edge of your peripheral that you wouldn't normally notice? If I see anything slightly move in the background I freak out thinking it's the start of Schizophrenia or something, I hope this isn't the case! My vision just seems to notice everything lately, I've been told my numerous others that it is anxiety.

26-04-13, 00:31
I'm hypersensitive of everything lately. I'm aware of every possible movement (or imagined movement!), every sound, and every physical feeling that happens to my body. Plays havoc when I'm trying to sleep, because I'm always thinking I'm seeing ghosts or something. Probably doesn't help that I watch scary movies a lot. ;)

My theory is that when my body is anxious, I'm constantly ready for fight or flight. Just the way my body is programmed.

26-04-13, 03:21
It could be a side effect of your medication. I had a few visual oddities on Citalopram (which according to an earlier post, you're taking) although more so with Mirtazapine. I used to find a few hours after taking my tablet I'd get what looked like a fly or something move in the corner of my eye (nothing there), plus lots of visual flashes which I'd see most when going to bed and turning the lights off, or being out in the dark. It scared the hell out of me for the first few weeks but I found lots of other people get this too on the same medication and in the end just ignored it. Certainly was not a sign of anything wrong at all - just one of the many odd side effects our medication can sometimes cause :)