View Full Version : New with gen. anxiety and food allergy phobia

26-04-13, 00:50
After experiencing an overdose reaction to a drug called Effexor, I have suffered from daily panic and anxiety. I am doing CBT with a therapist that's helped me a lot, but it seems that the fear has migrated from fear of another severe panic attack to fear that i'm severely allergic to something I eat. I have no known food allergies, but still i'm crippled by this. hoping I can conquer it soon..........

26-04-13, 09:44
Hi :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support here.

26-04-13, 22:28
Hi anxiousmomtx

I had similar issues with food anxiety and i was able to overcome them with cbt so stick with it and eventually you will start to see results. Remember one step at a time and acknowledge each little achievement you make forward. Its ok too to have setbacks, everybody does, so dont beat yourself up too much. A little tip: think about how many times you've eaten all those foods in your lifetime up to now and never had a reaction to them. So ask yourself how lilely is it that you will now. I know it is easier said.than done
but the cbt will start to take effect and ur brain will start to think differently. Best wishes ;-)