View Full Version : Blood tests back

26-04-13, 12:32
Recently i posted that I had some issues with left side pain and my worry with bowel cancer or something truely sinister..

Anyway I have just called up to get my blood tests back and the recepisiontist said they have all come back normal apart from the ESR AND C-reactive protein (CRP) Test which show inflammation but she also said "nothing to worry about just need a routine checkup with the doctor"

WELL... of course I turn to my friend google and read that those tests show signs of cancer... :o

im freaking out has anyone else had this?

26-04-13, 12:49
They are inflammation markers.

If my Crohn's plays up then the CRP goes higher.

26-04-13, 12:50
should I worry about these markers? I read some can show cancer

26-04-13, 13:06
Have you had an infection or illness recently?

26-04-13, 13:08
I have had my blood tests come back with the same..as Nicola says it is just a sign of inflammation. I have had this happen a few times over the years and still don't know the reason but I'm fine :) If your doctor isn't worried then you shouldn't be worried.

26-04-13, 13:12
no infection as of late only pain in the left side and spasms in my bowel!

I dont know why I find it so hard to trust doctors

26-04-13, 13:29
Remind me if you have had any tests done for the bowel?

26-04-13, 13:57
I havent had any test on that no :/ only kidney and bladder

26-04-13, 14:13
See what the doc says when you go to see them and take it from there I guess

27-04-13, 07:51
I had exactly the same thing...I was experiencing pain in my abdomen, mainly on the left as well. Had bloods done and they came back with high protein levels. This was 2 years ago and since then i've had a number of blood test and all have come back with a higher then 'normal' level of protein. The Doctor has said that everybody is different and that sometimes people just have different levels in there blood, so I would assume your the same as me.

27-04-13, 09:24
alot depends on how high the results are, if they are only slightly raised then they probably will just want to repeat them in a few weeks to see if they have gone down.

As Nicola says if her bowel condition flares up her results go high but probably very high!

Maybe go back to your Dr to discuss and ask if it would be appropraite to have some bowel tests to rule out any infammatory bowel disease which is very unlikely but would put your mind at rest.