View Full Version : get up and go

26-04-13, 14:15
Does anyone find that on medication they dont really have any get up and go and dont really look forward to thins?:wacko:

26-04-13, 15:53
I have been on Citalopram for 6 weeks now and I have been having such a hard time getting up in the mornings.I just want to keep on sleeping for ever. It makes me anxious not to feel like getting up and starting my day.
I have lack of motivation too. I am hoping that this is due to how much Anxiety I have had in the last 2 months and that it will go away as Anxiety clears.
The last 2 days I just didn't feel liek doing anything so I just decided to nap during the day and ended up sleeping 3 hour naps! I feel like I have to force myself to do stuff and find things to do...
Is that how you feel?

26-04-13, 17:38
I've been on duloxetine for 2½ weeks, I'm on my 3rd day at 60mg, and I've got no energy. Spent most of the day in bed.

I took leave from work as I thought this might happen when I upped the dose.

Strangely when I was on pregabalin I had to get out into the fresh air every day.

Depends on the drug obviously. I think some can make you a little depressed early on.

26-04-13, 18:05
I find a lot of drugs make me worse. I know the docs tell us to persevere with the initial side effects, but I find it really hard.
I do hope the swab on cheek (which was mentioned on other thread) which enables docs to tell us precisely which meds suits individuals goes worldwide.

26-04-13, 18:06
Flori, what is the swab thing?? Ive been on tablets for 15 yrs :( ... im sure I used to have more oomph. I feel so lazy

26-04-13, 18:41
Bab, Its under the heading The right Medication for You.

---------- Post added at 18:41 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

bab did you get it. Im not much good at copying links, so this is info that was posted.
THE RIGHT MEDICATION FOR YOU - A cheek swab could do it.

I saw a nurse today and she said this new test arrived at her office, that could get the right antidepressant AND dosage for you down to the T! Many of the people who worked in the office had it done on themselves and couldn't believe it themselves. It'll tell you what will be effective, and what won't be.

I live in the US, and am currently housebound. Under the program I'm in a doctor can come, swab the cheek, and get results within 2-3 weeks. Gives me hope!

27-04-13, 13:10
Thanks Flori... I wish this was in the UK xx

27-04-13, 15:00
Im on week 4 of Sertraline and I feel completely wiped out, I struggle to get up in the morning, and today I just want to sleep (I take them at night) I assume this means they are getting into my system, I just haven't got the energy to do anything at all.