View Full Version : Worried because of doctor please help, advice??

26-04-13, 15:18
i went to the doctor today after dealing with anxiety/tension headaches for over seven month, i was worried it was a brain tumour ive had my eyes tested etc and everythings fine, i still have the pain and it hurts behind my eye also, i constantly feel dizzy and now ive been given 'sertraline 50mg' tablets to take, the doctor then said 'if you feel like you have been hit across the head with a bat or see lights ring a ambulance' WTF?!?!?! not something an anxiety sufferer wants to hear!! worried sick...

26-04-13, 15:28

Sorry to hear you've been struggling with the headaches and dizziness, I've been going through much the same thing. Obviously you can imagine what I thought was going on but have put it down to tension headaches for now as I do have extra stresses at the moment.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about with what your GP said to you, all he is doing is giving you some general advice. It's clear he doesn't think there is anything sinister going on with your headache so you don't have to worry. The symptoms he is talking about refer to what a serious head problem would manifest as, I think he is just making you aware but that does not mean he expects you to have that problem!

Try not to worry about it too much, I know it is hard though!

26-04-13, 15:44

Sorry to hear you've been struggling with the headaches and dizziness, I've been going through much the same thing. Obviously you can imagine what I thought was going on but have put it down to tension headaches for now as I do have extra stresses at the moment.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about with what your GP said to you, all he is doing is giving you some general advice. It's clear he doesn't think there is anything sinister going on with your headache so you don't have to worry. The symptoms he is talking about refer to what a serious head problem would manifest as, I think he is just making you aware but that does not mean he expects you to have that problem!

Try not to worry about it too much, I know it is hard though!

i can imagine your struggle and it is so hard, and very worrying, seems like a constant battle or cycle we are stuck it, and im sure every anxiety sufferer agrees.
im going to try and not worry as much, i get in my head things then i convince my self its happening,

26-04-13, 16:42
It definitely is a vicious cycle! I think once we entertain a certain thought it's hard to get of your head and you almost feel guilty for ignoring it. The best thing is not to dwell too long on things or it just becomes so difficult to pull yourself away from it.