View Full Version : is this needle why it all started?

23-09-06, 20:57
i was told by my councillor to look back, but not too far back as to why i suddenly became very anxious and p/a's. she knows about the gambling situation but thinks it might be more. anyway last year i was at the dentists and had the injection, when all of a sudden my heart was beating out of my chest, i didnt feel panicky or anything cos it didnt have anxiety then, the dentist said it was the adrenalin in the injection and she would leave it out in future. now i have been wondering could this have started my attacks off? i know it doesnt matter very much, im more concerned about now, and the future, i dont know why my councillor feels the need for me to question it. but she has me wondering if it wasnt circumstantsial and was an error on my dentists behalf that has left me like this?. im prob just hoping that it isnt really myself thats making me this way but i would appreciate some advice on this.

we are all stronger people after having this

23-09-06, 21:14
I was told that Adrenaline in the injection could make you feel panicky and make your heart race

My dentist uses an injection without adrenaline for me

Hope that helps

24-09-06, 11:06
I haven't had this at the dentist, but once had a local anasthetic for a biopsy. My raced and I felt faint and dizzy. I didn't suffer with panic attacks then. Do they all have adrenaline in them? I know its not the total cause of my panic (which is stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and depression), but it would be interesting to know more.


24-09-06, 20:17
thanks for the replies, i dont know about other injections but i know that adrenalin is definetly used at the dentists.

we are all stronger people after having this