View Full Version : very scared about work

26-04-13, 18:14
Hi everyone

I posted yesterday about today being my first day back at work. Well, tonight really as it's a night shift.

I'm really scared :weep: even though I've got the right help whilst I've been off, I still feel unwell and I'm worried I'm going back too soon.

But then I think, I need to go back at some point!! and then I start to worry that this isn't just anxiety, blah blah, and it's going to stop me from working if I let it so I just need to be strong and push past it.

But it's that dilemma - am I doing too much, or do I need to be strong and keep going otherwise I'll just stay stuck?

As being at home and ruminating probably doesn't help matters.

My main symptom is breathing anxiety.

27-04-13, 08:41
well.. I did it :D
Actually coped rather well with the breathing techniques Buteyko has taught me, along with good old CBT.

1 night shift down, 3 to go :wacko:

27-04-13, 09:10
I'm pleased it went so well for you!

27-04-13, 09:39
Well done x

27-04-13, 18:06
Thanks guys :D Just hope I can repeat the success tonight haha

27-04-13, 18:18
Glad it went well for you. :)

27-04-13, 18:49
Well done, can you tell me what breathing exercises you did?


27-04-13, 19:50
Thanks :)

When I get particularly worked up I've been told to breathe out then hold for 1,2, breathe normally for 2 breaths, then breathe out hold for 1,2,3 etc repeat cycle until you get upto about a count of 5 then reverse it, so go from count of 5 to 4 to 3 etc

When speaking to people - try and punctuate your sentences by breathing through the nose, rather than gasping for the next breath

finally - when you get a few minutes to yourself, practice relaxed breathing by imagining there is a rubber ring round your diaphragm (lower ribs) and when breathing out you are trying to gently push away this rubber ring the entire way round your body (including your back) as this relaxes the breathing muscles and promotes abdominal breathing

Hope that helps :)

28-04-13, 14:21
Thanks - will give that a go :D

28-04-13, 23:32
That's really good news that you are back at work and handling it. I agree with what you mean by having to be strong and push past it. I have a fear about going to work and get anxious in the mornings but when I get there I tend to relax a bit. I believe we need to face our fears to get past them. I think if I took time off from work, I would get worse and it would be difficult to go back to work.

28-04-13, 23:38
well done, hope tonight went just as well for you. thanks for the breathing advice xxx

29-04-13, 04:19
Aw thanks guys :)

Owen- I'm the same and agree, it's the anticipation that's the worst really.