View Full Version : Chest and Facial rash

26-04-13, 18:32
I woke up in Monday with a red rash on my chest and neck, it looked like a heat rash but by Tuesday it had spread to my cheeks and ear lobes and had left my skin very red. It's lumpy and doesn't itch, it burns and is hot to touch. I went to the dr and he told me it was probably an allergy but its been there five days and although the rash on my chest has calmed down, my cheek still burns. So of course I began googling and am now in a panic that I have some kind of autoimmune disorder like lupus. Has anyone else had a reaction like this before? I'm taking antihistamines but its not having much affect on my face, it's the burning that is worrying me. :weep:

26-04-13, 22:52
Oh yeah I get this! Never on my face though, I've had it on my chest quite bad before.. I've currently a 'patch' of it on my calf and one on my thigh. My doctor too thought I might have an allergy, I've yet to find out what it is.. Apart from the inconvenience of looking a bit red it doesn't cause me much bother.

Please don't Google! Google is the devil when it comes to anxiety. If you're really worried then please see another doctor for a second opinion - you're really honestly fine though. Your cheek will calm down just as your chest has.

Hope you're feeling better. xx