View Full Version : Pregnancy anxiety

26-04-13, 19:55
I really need help or some kind of reassurance about this....
I am currently on the pill, and we also use condoms, which have never broken. A few weeks ago I had sex, then a few days later had a period, which was a little bit lighter than usual, only slightly. However, I have spent the past few weeks constantly worrying about whether I am pregnant. I have taken 3 pregnancy tests, all negative. But I just can't get the slight possibility that I might be pregnant out of my head.
I have been googling (bad idea, I know) and I have read about women getting pregnant on the pill and condoms, women getting negative pregnancy tests well into pregnancy, and even women getting periods while pregnant.... And this worries me to the point that I can barely function. . .
Advice, reassurance, anything needed.

08-05-13, 05:58
Hi very unlikely to get pregnant on the pill & condoms. And ovulation is round the middle of your cycle. So having sex a few days before a period is very unlikely to get you pregnant.