View Full Version : Hello .. New person

23-09-06, 21:03
Hello everyone

I have been lurking for a couple weeks and thought I would introduce myself.

I am a SAHM with 2 children.
I have been suffering with PA's for a few years but just have been on meds to control it for a year.
I am convienced I have heart problems even though my Dr. has done many test to prove my wrong ... god bless him he is really great. I hate the feeling I get during a PA it just scares me so much. I think for sure I am having a heart attack. I know many PA suffers think the same thing so I am looking forward to chatting with others in the same boat as me. Even though my hubby is great he just doesn't understand.

Have a great and PA free day


23-09-06, 21:18
Hi Terri. I know exactly what you're going through and just how awful it is. This is a good place though and full of those who understand :)

23-09-06, 21:22
Hi Terri and welcome you will find lots of people who feel like you!!! Hubbies can be great but they just dont get it do they???

23-09-06, 22:50
hiya terri, welcome to no more panic

23-09-06, 23:38
Hi Terri,you will get some good advise here and make great friends.:)

Ellen XX

24-09-06, 13:47
Hi Terri,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

Granny Primark
24-09-06, 16:11
Hi terri,

Glad youve found this site, im sure it will be a bit help to you.
Ive only been suffering from panic for 13 months and im petrified of getting a full blown panic attack.
I really dont think anyone can understand them fully unless theyve experienced them themselves.

Take care

24-09-06, 17:01
Hi Terri,

A big warm welcome to you. You will get lots of advice and support here.

Take Care


25-09-06, 14:47
Hi Terri and welcome

best wishes

kaz x

polly daydream
25-09-06, 14:55
Hi Terri and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,
