View Full Version : Am I sick or just over thinking it.

27-04-13, 04:26
Lets get one thing straight, I freaking hate google. Just the capability of being able to look up possible illnesses/diseases does not really synch well with a health-anxious teen like me.

All symptoms (whether physically occurrent or otherwise)
-Swollen tonsils (sometimes with what appears to be blood coming out of cracks)
-coughing phlegm (I smoke weed so this is normal I guess)
-flutters/throbbing/pulsation that comes and goes around the upper left and right abdominals (it doesn't hurt at all, just kinda throbs)
-swelling on right side where throbs occur (at the very bottom of ribcage)
-feels like someone shoved a balloon under my ribs, blew it up until it caused just enough pressure to be annoying, and then left it there for me to worry about.
-when I lift both arms up above my head it appears that my right side (from underarm to hip bone) is bigger/bulkier with more muscle or fat or something.
-My ribs are not even close to symmetrical, both sides match for the first five ribs, then the right ones just kind of vanish while the left ones stick out.
-I get dull pain in my left peck that randomly appears and vanishes in 1-5 minutes, but I'm 95% sure it occurs because of all the websites that warn you about heart attack symptoms and the main one being pain.
There's a few more, but I'm 100% sure I'm imagining those symptoms. I started noticing all of this crap when I was running (for the first time in a while) on a treadmill. Once I was done I felt like I had mucus in my throat so I coughed and saw one, maybe two, specks of blood. Naturally I about did a back flip. I went to a doctor and she said that I had "post nasal drip due to sinus infection and an upper respiratory infection" I was like cool, give me my pills and I'm gone. She gave me antibiotics and about 5 other allergy, nasal decongestant, mucus control pills. I was taking all of them, like she told me, and one night I started feeling bloated or crampy. I looked in the mirror and noticed the right rib symptoms I said above, I don't know if my ribs have always been like that or what, but it scared me. I went to a different doctor and told him about my stomach issues, but didn't get very far as I had my dad talking over me about the symptoms he thinks I have. Anyways, he started poking around my abdomen and stuff, none of it hurt at all and he concluded that I have acid reflux? No idea how he got to that point, but whatever I just wanted to get out of there.

Should I be worried? I'm not trying to die/any other stupid thing at 17.

Possible liver/gallbladder problems? Do these hurt when pushed or even hurt at all? Any for sure sign that this is my problem?

Just any advice at all is helpful. I've been constantly reading about health problems online since noticing my abdominal swelling and I'm pretty sure I gave myself more symptoms by overthinking/worrying. Some assurance that I'm not dying would be nice! Anxiety is a bitch, isn't it?

27-04-13, 05:23

I can't answer all your questions, but chances are worry and health anxiety are your main problems.

Nobody is totally symmetrical. My face is a bit asymmetrical, but I'm probably the only one who's ever noticed.

Smoking anything isn't going to do your respiratory tract from your lungs to your sinuses any good. However, I think one of the rules of this forum is not to discuss medications that may not be legal in certain jurisdictions.

You are way too young to have the traditional heart attack with the aching arm - it's caused by clogged arteries that take years to clog up. There are other kinds of heart attacks, but they have different symptoms.

I'd get a chest x-ray if you are worried about any abnormalities - most doctors are happy to order one for you.