View Full Version : Fear of motor ways

27-04-13, 13:06
Does anyone else have a fear of motor-ways? I get so anxious when we go on them.

27-04-13, 13:16
I do too :( I won't drive on them myself and although my husband is a really experienced driver I am still very nervous as to what all the other drivers out there might do. I am always so relieved when we make it home again.

27-04-13, 14:07
Thanks for your reply.

27-04-13, 14:45
Yes I am, I have driven on so many but I hate them and I get a lump in my throat. To me it is just not being able to pull over if you need to, it is far too fast. x

27-04-13, 16:49
Thanks, i have got 2 go on one in the morning, feel nervous about it.

27-04-13, 16:57
I guess Sunday is not usually such a busy day for motorways so maybe it won't be so bad. I really should try to drive on them myself.

27-04-13, 17:10
Me to I hate them with a passion :lac:

27-04-13, 18:36
I might go the long way and avoid it :)

27-04-13, 18:42
I am really not much better on country roads as I have a phobia of horses so always dread meeting one :)

27-04-13, 19:02
I am petrified of motorways, I past my test 11 years ago and have never driven on one yet, I have got close to it but I panic at the last minute and go a different way. With me it is being stuck on them that worries me, I know that the exits can be 20 miles apart and that really freaks me out. I also really worry about breaking down on one and being stranded. I will not travel with anyone going on a motorway neither. It is an inconvenience as I have to add hours to the travel time if ever we go away, which is never anymore as I am even to anxious to go on holiday lol.

28-04-13, 19:22
I am petrified of motorways, I past my test 11 years ago and have never driven on one yet, I have got close to it but I panic at the last minute and go a different way. With me it is being stuck on them that worries me, I know that the exits can be 20 miles apart and that really freaks me out. I also really worry about breaking down on one and being stranded. I will not travel with anyone going on a motorway neither. It is an inconvenience as I have to add hours to the travel time if ever we go away, which is never anymore as I am even to anxious to go on holiday lol.

That's exactly how I feel! The thought of there being no exit for miles really makes my anxiety levels increase. I avoid driving on them whenever I can, which like you said, is really inconvenient.

28-04-13, 19:39
Me too. I just wont drive on them. Too busy for me, but my fear is I will run out of slip road. I dont have confidence to pull out.

28-04-13, 19:46
i hate motor ways as well ever since we had a minor prang on one years ago when hubby was driveing
my dad always gives good advice and he says to me atleast on motor ways you are all traveling the same directon not like normal roads
and i say that over and over in my head when im on one
frosty xx

28-04-13, 20:21
Thats good frosty, at least you are going on it. Well done. They do say motorways are safer than other roads.

28-04-13, 20:45
Im the same, it really is horrible.

28-04-13, 21:21
Did you manage the journey this morning Tracy?

28-04-13, 21:34
Fortunately I have got used to them but when I first passed my test I had to follow a friend along a local motorway, only for about 10miles. When we got to her house, she was asking why I was driving so slowly. I was thinking "err, well isn't that obvious, I just passed my test".
I'd ridden motorbikes for a few years before that & was totally fearless, I used to do 80-90 down the m-way & never thought I'd have a crash. I did have a prang one time, my fault -don't laugh, I rode into a lamp post because an oncoming drivers lights blinded me on a bend. I gave up the bike because I did start to get nervous when passing a car waiting to come out of a side road.
Bizarrely you would think all that experience on the bikes would make me confident in a car but it didn't. It was scary. But I gradually did more and more complicated junctions and roundabouts. I built my confidence up over the years & am ok.
I had a friend who was very nervous after passing her test. One time I helped her park her car in a tight space. She stalled & forgot to put it in neutral when she started the engine. That shunted her into her neighbours car. It didn't do any damage but she was all for giving up. So I said no way, you've come this far & have passed your test, I won't let you give up now. That must e 20yrs ago and ... She is still driving.
It's very true that the back roads are less safe.
Motorways can be dangerous but if people drive sensibly then they are safe.
You just need to have your wits about you but then I suppose you do whenever you are driving.

29-04-13, 15:21
I hate them so much, I have the fear that there's going to be a massive traffic jam and i'll just be stuck in gridlock, where I'll then get claustrophobic and have a panic attack. I try avoid them as much as I can

29-04-13, 16:56
I did it i was better than i thought :)

29-04-13, 17:42
I did it i was better than i thought :)

Well done!:yesyes::yahoo: