View Full Version : Both eyes twitching

27-04-13, 14:18
Has anybody had both eyes twitching (not at Same time). Been told it could be Diabetes which has me feeling ill. Been lasting about a week now I feel Ill from it.

27-04-13, 22:47
who told you it could be diabetes?? I have never ever heard of that connection and sadly I know far too much about medical matters!

At present I have twitch under one eye plus for past month one area of my top lip has been twitching at least once a day and the middle of my bottom lip twitches as well.

This all started after I got very tired and stressed one weekend.

I have had 30 years of twitching!! It can affect anywhere on my body and can last for weeks on end and then go away for months at a time.

My Dr said when he first qualified as a Dr his left thigh twitched for 6 montsh straight due to him being constantly terrified he was going to make a mistake!

28-04-13, 15:26
My eyes been twitching constantly for a month. There is a nerve called the trigeminal nerve, that branches out from both your temples. On each side it has a branch that goes under your eye, one that goes to the side of your nose, one across your top lip and one goes down to your chin. When it becomes overactive (sometimes due to leaning your head on your hand, tight headbands, tight glasses etc) it sends messages down all these nerves. Its the reason why sometime when you get an eye twitch you also feel a crawly feeling down your nose or along your lip :)