View Full Version : Disability Living Allowance?

27-04-13, 15:12
Anyone here know much about Disability allowance?

Basically I'm self employed as a photographer. Because I'm earning a fairly low income doing it, I also get tax credits and housing benefit for my home I'm renting in Wales.

Since Jan 2013, I've been unable to work due to a massive breakdown and I've become agoraphobic. I am turning down work and also had to move back to Cornwall with my dad, even though I'm still paying rent in Cardiff until July as my contract still is on there.

I'm not earning and my housing benefit doesn't cover the rent in Cardiff or bills! Plus I'm living with my retired father in his council house and he doesn't have a penny for himself, let alone him, so I'm having to give him money to look after me.

Someone told him that I am more than entitled to benefits. I'm completely unable to work (which I hate!!) and I am completely housebound. Some days I can't get out of bed.

What's the criteria for DLA? How much is it? Can my dad get carers allowance? Will my tax credits cease? Will this mess up my housing benefit in Cardiff as I'm applying down here in Cornwall??

Sorry for all the questions. I know nothing about benefits and I don't know how it works. I did have a look online but thought I'm better off asking someone.

Any info would be great!

27-04-13, 15:27
Hi Steve, sorry I don't know much about this but I know DLA has now been replaced with a universal benefit called personal independence payment-you need to be assessed to determine if you qualify for this and from what I have seen from lots of posts on NMP it is not an easy process.
Search the threads to see wht info you can find but I think I also read somewhere that we aren't really meant to discuss it on here because it has caused problems in the past.

27-04-13, 16:26
Hi Kells

Yes you are right in that I did ask people not to post about ATOS, benefits etc as it caused a few arguements etc on here but now I have allowed posts to be done as it seems things calmed down.

I may even add a new sub-forum so the posts can be all kept together in one place then those not wishing to read them can ignore that sub-forum.

Granny Primark
27-04-13, 16:26
The only benefit I can claim is DLA. I get £20 a week (thats the lowest rate) but it will run out next year. Im doubting that il get it again.

27-04-13, 17:51
Steveo, Get in touch with your nearest DHSS. They used to send a person out to the house at one time. Not sure if that happens now.
Its all phone calls and form filling.
All I know is there are three levels of DLA. I think that is being altered in the near future and it will be called something else.
Sorry I cannot be of any help xx

27-04-13, 17:52
Sorry for posting about it Nicola!! I wasn't aware I wasn't allowed to post about it!

Why would it cause arguments? Surely we're all in this together here!!

Anyway! Thankyou so much for the information. I will give them a call I guess on Monday.

27-04-13, 18:05
Nicola replied to my message to say it was ok to post about it now.

I guess it can be a very sensitive subject as some people go through the assessment and are not successful.

27-04-13, 20:10
I don't know a huge amount about DLA, but I do know that it is non-means-tested, and non-taxable. It is not taken into consideration as a source of income when calculating other benefits, but if you get DLA you may be entitled to an INCREASED amount of other benefits, including Tax Credits. Depending on your dad's income, he may be able to claim Carers Allowance if you were awarded DLA for Care at the middle rate.

Your best bet is to contact a mental health charity such as SANE or MIND and seek advice on how to fill in the forms. They are designed for people with physical disabilities, so it can be complicated to get it right if you're applying due to mental health problems, so worth getting all the advice you can get on it.

little wren
28-04-13, 06:53
Hi steveo

Could your mental health nurse help to fill in a form with you? Medical evidence is needed so it will help that you have a psychiatrist. It is notoriously difficult to get - and so you need to emphasize ALL the care you currently need.

29-04-13, 01:23
Hi steveo. If you make a claim using your dad's address you will lose the housing benefit you get on the Cardiff flat. They only pay for a property you are actually living in. What you need to work out is whether you'd be better off making a DLA claim (now called Employment Support Allowance) and using that to help pay the rent on the flat until the contract ends. Or sticking with what you've got until the contract ends i.e. your housing benefit (you won't be getting any tax credits if you are not earning). I think the DLA (ESA) is about £100 a week.
I'm surprised you are locked into a rental contract til July. Usually after six months, you only need to give one month's notice. The other thing you could consider is finding someone to take over your tenancy. After all, the landlord just wants the rent, they're not bothered who is paying it.

little wren
29-04-13, 07:21
Really good advice from seroxvet, but just to clarify the DLA is dependent on how much care they think you need. You could only be entitled to the lowest level which is about £160 a MONTH. A lot of the form is if you can prove you need care THROUGOUT the day - like you are a risk to yourself or others. Just to let you know agoraphobia will usually only get you the lowest level. Benefits are a minefield...Maybe you could phone up the Citizens Advice Bureau (as you are housebound) and get the legal lowdown before you make a decision.

29-04-13, 14:41
Hi steveo. If you make a claim using your dad's address you will lose the housing benefit you get on the Cardiff flat. They only pay for a property you are actually living in. What you need to work out is whether you'd be better off making a DLA claim (now called Employment Support Allowance) and using that to help pay the rent on the flat until the contract ends. Or sticking with what you've got until the contract ends i.e. your housing benefit (you won't be getting any tax credits if you are not earning). I think the DLA (ESA) is about £100 a week.
I'm surprised you are locked into a rental contract til July. Usually after six months, you only need to give one month's notice. The other thing you could consider is finding someone to take over your tenancy. After all, the landlord just wants the rent, they're not bothered who is paying it.

Just to avoid any confusion but DLA is not ESA as you put in this post. DLA has now changed to PIP (personal independence payment) and ESA replaced Incapacity Benefit. PIP is the benefit for new claimants and people already on DLA will switch to PIP over the next 4 years.

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:34 ----------

Steveo I can't recommend this site enough www.benefitsandwork.co.uk

I would also strongly recommend a home visit from someone in Welfare Rights, Citizens Advice or DIAL with help to complete the forms as they are a nightmare. You must give as much information about your condition as possible ad get supporting letters from anyone involved in your care.

You do need to think about this though as SeroxVet says you can't claim housing benefit for an house you're not living in. If the DWP found about this thy would stop payments and you could be in trouble for not notifying them. I don't mean to scare you but you should be aware and I don't want you getting into trouble as its the last thing you need.

30-04-13, 02:13
Hi Bernie. I stand corrected. These acronyms are a nightmare!!

30-04-13, 09:34
Hi Bernie. I stand corrected. These acronyms are a nightmare!!

They certainly are, the Benefits system is a total nightmare. Makes me wonder if they made it harder to try and put people off claiming. I had to complete DLA forms recently as my last award had run out. It was a total nightmare and took me ages. Caused no end of stress and sent my anxiety through the roof.

07-05-13, 21:19
Hi, I dont claim it but I know someone who made a claim last week and it was still called DLA, so this PIP thing is there to confuse us I think. Unless its changing slowly. It takes 8-13 usually to get a decision - and you can appeal. Then any payment gets backdated. However, I dont know if youre on Jobseekers allowance. If you are, I dont know if DLA is extra money or instead of Jobseekers. Google for advice on filling the forms though because you need to be as thorough as poss with descriptions of how everything affects you.

---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

Does anyone know the difference between DLA and ESA?

07-05-13, 21:48
ESA is an out of work benefit, for people who cannot work due to disability. You can claim DLA whether you work or not, it is meant to help with the additional costs created by your disability. It is possible to claim both DLA and ESA, or DLA & Jobseekers.

12-05-13, 17:12
Here's a quick run down;

DLA has only changed to PIP in certain areas and everywhere should change in the summer, although with the DWP that might take longer.

In any case DLA is non-means-tested which means ANYONE can claim it whether they are working or not. It doesn't matter what 'condition' you have they make the assessment based on how your illness affects your daily life. This is VERY important. you could have no legs and arms, be blind, deaf and have a learning disability but you might get turned down if you don't fill in the form based on how it affects your daily life. So remember that when you fill in the form. Tell them how your anxiety affects doing the simple things during the day, ie going outside, personal care, cooking (that's a big one), learning, communicating, etc.

ESA replaced incapacity benefit. This is a benefit if you can't work due to a health condition. You can apply for BOTH DLA and ESA. Again with ESA you need to make the claim that your condition affects your ability to work.

A handy tip is writing both forms based on your worst day. Don't say sometimes I can do [this or that] but not on others. No. You tell them how anxiety affects you on your worst day and that's it.

Your dad can get carer's allowance.

You won't get housing benefit if your living at home with your dad unless your name is on the lease and you're paying rent directly to the housing provider.