View Full Version : SOOO SCARED AGAIN!!

24-09-06, 00:52
I am once again extremely worried. I have recently noticed bright red blood in my stools. It does not appear after every bowel movement. It usually appears a day after eating red peppers, tomatoes or drinkin red juice. Could it be from what I am eating that is causing my stool to have bright red in it?? I also had a CBC( complete blood count) done this week. My WBC(white blood cells) are elevated. They are 13000 and they are suppossed to be 5-11000. I had a nasty cold when I took the blood test, could they be elevated because of that? I am only 19, but I have googling for hours although I know it is not good to do and COLON CANCER keeps showing up[V] I think I am dying!! At 19 years old is there a pretty good chance that this is colon cancer?? Please offer any experiences etc. I am scared to death! Thank you.

24-09-06, 08:45

The common cold with defo make your white blood cell count higher than normal. I had blood test performed at the hospital once and it was high, nurse said it was because I was carring a cold, which I was.


24-09-06, 10:26
Hi there

Bright red blood in stools is usually from piles or a small cut near your anus, nothing sinister or dangerous.
I think food can change the colour too - if I eat too much beetroot the colour comes through in my stools so I guess the same could be true for red foods.
Go and see your GP though, if it carries on or if you are worried, just to put your mind at rest.
love Helen

24-09-06, 10:59
hi, you really don't need to worry about colon cancer. If the blood is bright red, then it is something happening close to your erm.. bottom, it is most likely a sign of piles, or a small cut. it sounds though like it is not even blood - if you are eating red things this will definitely show up at the other end! i've never heard of anyone 19 years old getting colon cancer (and believe me, suffering from health anxiety myself i've unfortunately read and memorised every story and statistic about illness i've ever read [:I]) you really don't need to worry.

sorry, dont know anything about blood counts, but i'm sure someone else will be able to put your mind at rest about this.

take care,

24-09-06, 11:32

I agree with the others. I had a major panic myself a few years ago about a similar kind of thing which happened after I had eaten beetroot. I saw the doc who said it is most likely to be a tiny tear or something which can be caused by either constipation or diarrhoea. What you eat can also have an effect on the colour of the stools. If it is bright red then there
is usually nothing to worry about. I still get this from time to time but am not too bothered about it now. Don't be scared but go and see your doc if it will put your mind at rest.

24-09-06, 12:20
247 if you read my recent posts you will see that i have had the same thing and was worried. then i asked the forum and other people (even my Dad for gods sake) and guess what they'd had it too!!!

Dont worry and take care!!!

24-09-06, 12:22

24-09-06, 15:53
Some of the foods you mention are extremely hard to digest and therefore appear in your stools. Have you ever been to a Sewage Farm? I have and they have the biggest tomatoes ever growing from sewage!!!
Likewise if you eat corn, it tends to make another appearance ..... I wouldn't worry about it.
