View Full Version : psychologists

27-04-13, 19:08
been seeing one of these peeps for 3 or 4 weeks now to see if she could help me deal with the breakdown I suffered last year. Details are in my new post in the HEALTH ANXIETY section with the title CITALOPRAM and PVCs...

I don't really understand what is going on.....I have spoke,non stop, for a total of about 4 hours with no input or interruptions from the Doc.it has been a very painful and draining experience detailing all that was shit with my life as a child and adult. I think she said at the start that we would talk for a few weeks and THEN formulate a plan of action, so to speak.

thing is I don't have much confidence in her, I am always having to finish her sentences for her as she struggles to put two words together.
I have a gut feeling/instinct that the plan of action she speaks of will last all of ten minutes. If that is the case ,what a complete waste of time

she said at the last session that at the next session "we would discuss my growing up/family period for a while longer and end the session with THE PLAN OF ACTION"

where is all this COG therapy I was expecting?

anyone got any experience with these psychologists people?

27-04-13, 20:44
There are many types of therapy, she will probably discuss a care plan with you when she has finished her assessment. But I think if you are not satisfied about the way things are going you should tell her and perhaps then she may give you more information.

Hope it works out for you.

27-04-13, 20:52
ta Mr Dog :)