View Full Version : I am new

27-04-13, 20:05
Hello I am new here. I am very anxious about writing this.
I have been diagnosed with social anxiety and general anxieties along with major depression.
I am currently on venlafaxine to attepmt to control my problems.
I am also currently undergoing cognitive behavioural therapy.

I find being around people extremely difficult. I am here really to get an understanding of how others cope with these problems and to get my self used to talking to people in an easier safer place before putting things in practice in face to face situations.

Am so glad that this site exsists to help.

27-04-13, 20:16
Hi and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help, advice and support here :)

27-04-13, 21:11
Thank you Bekzie

27-04-13, 22:58
Hello Moley & :welcome:

No need to be anxious here, we are a friendly bunch! I am also on Ven and have had my CBT for anx/panic/agoraphobia/depresssion. I am finding the Ven a big help as was the therapy. Wishing you all the best and hope you get as much from being here as I have.

Kitti :)

27-04-13, 23:52
Hi. Welcome aboard Moley. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here. I ceetainly have.

How's venlafaxine working out for you?

28-04-13, 10:16
Hello and :welcome:

28-04-13, 11:42
Thank you all and I hope I will get help here.

Mark13 well venlafaxine is the third medication I have tried. To be honest I am at a point with it now where i give up with it. It doesn't seem to be any help I went from a start of 75mg increasing up to 225mg where I have now been for 3 weeks and I am almost at the lowest I have ever been. Though it was better than sertraline for me as this medication actually was making me suicidal.

28-04-13, 11:52
How long have you been on Venlafaxine now? I stuck at a low dose for 7 months and have only recently increased to 112.5mg daily...4 weeks on the increase is now starting to help me after some minor SE's. I was supposed to increase to 150mg last week but sometimes the docs rush us into an increase before the meds have time to 'do their thing'...perhaps 225mg is just a little too much for you?

Just a thought anyway. :)

28-04-13, 12:33
Hi Kittikat, I have only been on it 4 months but don't feel that it is any help to me at all.

28-04-13, 12:39
Wow, is that all? Why have you increased so fast? I found it took about 3 months for me to fully settle on 75mg realistically. In my opinion, all the fast dose increases only tend to upset the balance, I think you need to stabalise before increasing. There are quite a few of us on here doing really well on Ven after disasterous results on SSRI's and other anti d's. Perhaps you need to have another chat with your doc? Good luck!

05-06-13, 22:58
Hi Kittikat,

Have just come off venlafaxine as it was not showing any benefit to me.
Am now starting Mirtazapine and already struggling with it.

Am also waiting to see the CMHT again.

05-06-13, 23:06
Moley, I'm new here my self, I've just read your post, same thing as what I'm going through...

I'm on mertz as well and some other meds, stay with it, I've been taking that for a few years now....

Oh and welcome, not that I'm entitled to say that as I've only been around for a few days my self even though I've read the forum for a year or so I finally took the plunge and registered the other night.

Done a lot of CBT, took me 4 times to finally "click" with a therapist.....


05-06-13, 23:17
Hi Datastream

I don't know what I would do without my therapist at the moment. He is what is getting me through. I was very lucky to get the right 1 first time.

Am not sure about mirt at mo but see my GP Friday so will tell him all my problems and see what he says.

And welcome to you too.

05-06-13, 23:28
That's really good, Mine was a lady, and the they have all been (my choice but that was to do with what happened to me)

It took me a few goes over about 2 years to finally click with this one lady, she said one thing to me (which I can explain to you later on as I say I'm new my self) but she really helped me in what she advised me to do.

Couldn't quite believe it to tell you the truth.

The first lady that I saw spoke to me like I was a naughty school boy and this upset me even more...I suffer real bad with PTSD... like really bad......but at last a place to discuss it.....

I'm on 45 mg mert and have been for some time and just recently started on some other meds as well....

But, glad I posted on here, seems like I can explain what it's like and what I'm going through with out the "jibes" from "people"

I'm not cured don't get me wrong, far from it, but with help from CBT and some meds I think I can get there.

Any way, enough of me, this was your "hello" but you just captured my attention when I read your post.

Together we can do this. :)