View Full Version : obsessively questioning my friendships

27-04-13, 20:43
I won't diagnose myself with ROCD but I definitely relate to the symptoms. When I'm in a relationship I get into a really abnormal state where I just question the relationship constantly. For instance whenever my significant other isn't around and I'm not thinking about them and thinking about something else I feel massively guilty.

The thing is it isn't just relationships I do this with guys that I like. The questioning with my last relationship started before we were even dating but after I had admitted that I liked him. It just popped into my head one day "What if I don't really like this guy but I've already said I dio?" But the next time I talked to him I felt fine. I'm having the same problem now with a guy that I like but sometimes I wonder if I really do. I also worry about future things as if we're in a relationship and stress. Can anyone relate to this?

Also I take single things that my friends do or traits/flaws that they have and question why we're even friends if they act that way or do certain things. Can anyone relate to this? Everyone has flaws and everyone's friends must make questionable decisions. I can't possibly not be friends with people for having flaws because then I wouldn't have any friends at all. It just makes me feel bad to judge them and question our friendship :(